Restart video recording when time limit is reached (FAT32 4gb) automatically - Feature Requests - CHDK Forum

Restart video recording when time limit is reached (FAT32 4gb) automatically

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Hi, I've a powershoot S95 and I'm a bit frustrated by the video time limit, wich is caused by the FAT32 limitation of 4GB per file.

I think CHDK could overcome this issue simply forcing the REC state continuously, just looking to its state and sending a shutter button press in case the camera has stopped . If the camera stops cause the 4GB limit is reached, the CHDK would put the camera in REC state, creating a new video file.

The perfect solution would be a continuously shooting function, splitting videos to 4gb files, but I suppose it's not possible. I think this could be a simple workaround to that.

Hope someone could implement it.



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I think CHDK could overcome this issue simply forcing the REC state continuously, just looking to its state and sending a shutter button press in case the camera has stopped . If the camera stops cause the 4GB limit is reached, the CHDK would put the camera in REC state, creating a new video file.
This can be done with a simple script - use the search function, there are several posts about this (and also some scripts) in the forum...

@title MultiMovie
@param x one part time in sec
@default x 590


print "record will start..."

press "shoot_half"
sleep 1500
press "shoot_full"
release "shoot_full"
if f=1 then release "shoot_half"

print "file number: ";f

s=get_time 0
m=get_time 1
h=get_time 2
d=get_time 3

s=get_time 0
m=get_time 1
h=get_time 2
d=get_time 3
print "file number: ";f
print "time left:";x-u
if u>x then goto "reload"
sleep 900
goto "loop"

print "reloading..."
press "shoot_full"
release "shoot_full"
print "waiting for ready..."
if q=1 then goto "new"
print "status:",q
sleep 100
goto "waitloop"

this script basiclly records in a loop for however long its set for the time is in seconds, also this script "may" require some modding as it was made for a SX130

I think CHDK could overcome this issue simply forcing the REC state continuously, just looking to its state and sending a shutter button press in case the camera has stopped . If the camera stops cause the 4GB limit is reached, the CHDK would put the camera in REC state, creating a new video file.
This can be done with a simple script - use the search function, there are several posts about this (and also some scripts) in the forum...

Thanks for the advice. I've tried searching for "continuous video" and similar strings but haven't had any luck.

Perhaps this feature should be part of the main CHDK trunk, since I have found several posts asking about it.


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Perhaps this feature should be part of the main CHDK trunk, since I have found several posts asking about it.

I think not so. Some script lines solve the problem. With a script you can use more personal settings, e.g. switch off the display.

Perhaps we should include a 'restart video recording' script in the complete package of the autobuild.


Perhaps this feature should be part of the main CHDK trunk, since I have found several posts asking about it.

I think not so. Some script lines solve the problem. With a script you can use more personal settings, e.g. switch off the display.

Perhaps we should include a 'restart video recording' script in the complete package of the autobuild.
I've been working on a wiki page for this.  Those are usually easier to search than the forum. Here's a link to the draft >
Ported :   A1200    SD940   G10    Powershot N    G16

I've been working on a wiki page for this.  Those are usually easier to search than the forum. Here's a link to the draft >

And if I might suggest something - please refer users to this waterwingz's script rather than to mine that Vash has posted... Waterwingz did it much more cleanly and simple. My script, which uses get_time has been written at the begining of my adventures with CHDK and it's not very pretty;) I just haven't found the get_tick_count command then...
if (2*b || !2*b) {

Compile error: poor Yorick


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I've been working on a wiki page for this.  Those are usually easier to search than the forum. Here's a link to the draft >

Ok, chdk.wikia is also a place ...

I think, this script is a little bit complicated. When we check the video status, it's easier. We don't need any time code. Here is a example for cameras with video button. For cameras without video button it is easy to expand with a function. With the dispay button you con switch off the display backlight.

Code: [Select]
Licence: GPL
(c) msl 2011/10/28
@title Video extended
@param a Auto restart [1]
@default a 1

function restore()
    if get_movie_status() == 4 then click("video") end

if a<0 or a>1 then a=0 end



if a==1 then
    print("Automatic Video (Re)Start")

    if a ~= 1 then print("[Video] Start/Stop Video") end
    print("[DISP]  On/Off Backlight")
    print("[MENU]  End")
    if is_pressed("display") then
        if BL == 1 then BL=0 else BL=1 end
    if is_pressed("video") and b ~= 1 then
    if is_pressed("menu") then END = 1 end
    status = get_movie_status()
    if status < 4 and a == 1 then
        print("Start recording")
        if BL == 1 then set_backlight(0) end
until  END == 1



I think, this script is a little bit complicated. When we check the video status, it's easier. We don't need any time code.
Or you could do both.

One of the reasons the script I posted is still on a user page is that I intended to add a check for a button press during recording that would immediately restart the video (useful if you are near the current limit and have a good spot to initiate the recycle operation).

I'd also planned to rewrite it in Lua and use the OSD drawing functions to get rid of the ugly script console window. 

There is always something else you can add to a script :)
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When the dial is on movie mode the idle movie status is also 6 sometimes, if you haven't noticed already.

idle == 1 && 6
recording == 4


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