Script writing assistance for intervalometer with shut off - Script Writing - CHDK Forum

Script writing assistance for intervalometer with shut off

  • 56 Replies
Script writing assistance for intervalometer with shut off
« on: 21 / July / 2011, 02:42:50 »
Hi! I need help writing an intervalometer script that takes pictures every 10 seconds until the memory card is full. I was able to do this with the "endless" mode of the Ultra Intervalometer script but I don't know how to tell the camera to turn off once the memory card has no more room for pictures. Thank you!


Offline fudgey

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Re: Script writing assistance for intervalometer with shut off
« Reply #1 on: 21 / July / 2011, 13:46:49 »

if X<2 then shut_down

somewhere in the script should probably do the trick (disclaimer: no, I didn't test it and no, I don't remember ubasic syntax very well...).

In case someone's wondering, I put X<2 instead of X<1 in case it's slightly inaccurate :)

Re: Script writing assistance for intervalometer with shut off
« Reply #2 on: 21 / July / 2011, 20:27:25 »
or this way


for J=1 to S
   if get_vbatt<j or get_free_disk_space<5000 then gosub "stop"
   sleep xx
next J


   sleep 3000

from this german-skript
pdf-doku also in german


Re: Script writing assistance for intervalometer with shut off
« Reply #3 on: 22 / July / 2011, 02:59:12 »
Ok that worked, thanks so much! Also, is there a command to switch between photo and video modes (without using "click" on the buttons you would manually do it with)? I have an A490, if that makes a difference, and I would like to have the intervalometer script take 10 photos 30 seconds apart, then a 30 second video, then repeat until it shuts down when memory is full. It will run off an external power supply so I don't need a shut off command for low battery voltage.

Re: Script writing assistance for intervalometer with shut off
« Reply #4 on: 22 / July / 2011, 05:39:52 »
You don't actually say so but from your username I am guessing you are interested in stratospheric balloon flights.

If so, the following may be of interest.
It is being tested now for a flight next week.

 First the script and then (as an attachment) a log produced by the test that was 5x shorter duration than the real flight :-

Code: [Select]
@title Stratosphere
@param i interval time unit
@default i 5
@param n numerator
@default n 1
@param b  beep Interval
@default b 10
@param o ISO max
@default o 400
rem -----------------------------
rem High altitude balloon project
rem -----------------------------

rem  Wait for lens cap removal
gosub "phaseA"
line_1 "phaseA finished"

rem Liftoff movie
log "Liftoff movie"
gosub "phaseB"

rem Low altitude shots
D = 25
log "Low altitude fast shots"
gosub "phaseC"

rem Higher altitude movie
log "Higher altitude ascent movie"
gosub "phaseB"

rem Higher altitude shots
D = 30
log "Higher altitude fast shots"
gosub "phaseC"

rem Compute Bv from meter readings
gosub "phaseD"

rem High altitude shots, computed Bv
D = 25
gosub "phaseF"

rem High altitude Shoot movie
log "High altitude movie"
gosub "phaseB"

rem Descent,continually computed
D = 20
gosub "phaseE"

rem High altitude Shoot movie
gosub "phaseB"

rem Descent, continually computed
D = 35
gosub "phaseE"

goto "loop"


beep 10
log "------------------------------------------------"
log "            Stratospheric Balloon Mission       "
log "------------------------------------------------"
log ""
log "phaseA: Script started, wait for lens cap removal"
line_1 " Script started"
line_2 " pauses until"
line_3 " lens cap removed"
sleep_for_seconds 5
log "Backlight turned off"
C = 15/i
sleep_for_minutes C
cover_lens 10
log "Lens cap removed"
log "Backlight turned on"
log "------------------------------------------------"
log ""

line_1 "#Shooting movie"
line_2 "#"
line_3 "#"
C= M*60/i
log elapsed_time, "phaseB: Recording movie for",C," seconds"
shoot_movie_for C
sleep_for_seconds 5
log "Flash off"
log "------------------------------------------------"
log ""

line_1 "!Fast shooting"
line_2 "!at low altitude"
line_3 "!metered brightness"
T = get_day_seconds
sleep_for_seconds 3
set_max_iso_to o
log elapsed_time,"phaseC: Fast shots every 30 seconds for",(D * 60 / i)," seconds"
log "Maximum ISO set to",o
log "Target shutter speed =",n,"/4000"
 shoot_fast_at n/2000,z
I = image_number
if z < 0 then gosub "fast" else gosub "slow"
 sleep_for_seconds 30
S = get_day_seconds
until (S - T) >= (D * 60 / i)
sleep_for_seconds 3
log "------------------------------------------------"
log ""

line_1 " Filling buffer"
line_2 " for brightness"
line_3 " at 60 minutes"
log elapsed_time,"Taking 100 brightness readings"
meter_brightness 1
sleep_for_seconds 3
log "------------------------------------------------"
log ""

rem ----------------------------
rem Descent,fast shots computed
rem ----------------------------
line_1 "#Descent"
line_2 "#Bv continuously"
line_3 "#updated"
log elapsed_time,"phaseE: Descent,exposure computed every 20 shots"
log "Fast shots every 3 seconds for",(D * 60 / i)," seconds"
N = 0
T = get_day_seconds
  shoot_fast_at n/2000,z,1
 I = image_number
 if z < 0 then gosub "fast" else gosub "slow"
  sleep_for_seconds 3
  N = N+1
 until N = 20
 N = 0
 S = get_day_seconds
until (S - T) >= (D * 60 / i)
log "------------------------------------------------"
log ""

line_1 "!Using fixed"
line_2 "!Computed exposure"
line_3 "!at high altitude"
log elapsed_time,"Fast shots using computed exposure"
T = get_day_seconds
set_max_iso_to o
log "phaseF: Fast shots every 30 seconds for",(D * 60 / i)," seconds"
log "Maximum ISO set to",o
log "Target shutter speed =",n,"/4000"
 shoot_fast_at n/4000,z,1
I = image_number
if z < 0 then gosub "fast" else gosub "slow"
 sleep_for_seconds 30
S = get_day_seconds
until (S - T) >= (D * 60 / i)
sleep_for_seconds 3
log "------------------------------------------------"
log ""

log elapsed_time,"IMG_";I,"Fast shoot at",-z,"ISO"

log elapsed_time,"IMG_";I,"shutter was 1/",z,"at max ISO"

line_1 " restore"
line_2 "!restore"
line_3 "#restore"
sleep_for_seconds 5

and the logfile below :-

« Last Edit: 22 / July / 2011, 05:41:44 by Microfunguy »

Re: Script writing assistance for intervalometer with shut off
« Reply #5 on: 22 / July / 2011, 12:12:39 »
Thanks! I also have a flight next week :)

Unfortunately my camera shuts off when it gets to the shoot_movie_for line, so I might have to do something a little different from what you have...


Offline fudgey

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Re: Script writing assistance for intervalometer with shut off
« Reply #6 on: 22 / July / 2011, 12:29:33 »

(shoot_movie_for stuff is for SDM only)

Re: Script writing assistance for intervalometer with shut off
« Reply #7 on: 22 / July / 2011, 14:26:34 »
I might have to do something a little different from what you have...

You will have to do something a lot different.

First of all you need SDM and then you need my current build which is not yet released.

If you would like to try it, tell me your camera and firmware version and I will upload a build.

You have nothing to lose for a few minutes of your time  :)

Re: Script writing assistance for intervalometer with shut off
« Reply #8 on: 22 / July / 2011, 18:51:29 »
Ok, I guess I can try it :)

My camera is an A490: 1.00f

Thank you!

Re: Script writing assistance for intervalometer with shut off
« Reply #9 on: 22 / July / 2011, 19:05:45 »
It is getting late here so I will post it with instructions in the morning.


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