Setting the normal video duration to 0xFFFFFFFF crashes the IXUS 310 when you stop recording (it also displays a warning icon when recording).
"loc_FF2FB464:\n"" LDR R0, [R6, #0xD8] \n" " LDR R1, =0xFFFFF \n" //240p, 480p video limit 0xE0F" MOV R0, R0, LSR #1 \n" " STR R0, [R6, #0xDC] \n" " LDR R0, [R10] \n" " STR R0, [R6, #0xE4] \n" " LDRH R0, [R10, #0x10] \n" " STR R0, [R6, #0xE8] \n" " LDR R0, [R10, #4] \n" " STRH R0, [R6, #2] \n" " LDR R0, [R10, #8] \n" " STRH R0, [R6, #4] \n" " LDR R0, [R10, #0x14] \n" " STR R0, [R6, #0xEC] \n" " STR R8, [R6, #0x128] \n" " LDR R0, [R6, #0xD0] \n" " CMP R0, #0x140 \n" " MOVEQ R0, #0x20000 \n" " MOVEQ R5, #1 \n" " STREQ R0, [R6, #0xAC] \n" " BEQ loc_FF2FB4F8 \n" " CMP R0, #0x280 \n" " LDREQ R0, =0x7A760 \n" " MOVEQ R5, #2 \n" " STREQ R0, [R6, #0xAC] \n" " BEQ loc_FF2FB4F8 \n" " CMP R0, #0x500 \n" " LDREQ R0, =0x11DA50 \n" " LDR R1, =0xFFFF \n" //720p, 1080p video limit 0x707" MOVEQ R5, #4 \n" " STREQ R0, [R6, #0xAC] \n" " BEQ loc_FF2FB4F8 \n" " CMP R0, #0x780 \n" " BNE loc_FF2FB500 \n"" MOV R0, #0x200000 \n" " MOV R5, #5 \n" " STR R0, [R6, #0xAC] \n"
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