How can I shoot without the lenses? - Hotwire! Hardware Mods, Accessories and Insights - CHDK Forum

How can I shoot without the lenses?

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How can I shoot without the lenses?
« on: 03 / August / 2011, 15:58:04 »
I want to modify the camera to be able to shoot videos using the sensor of the digital with CHDK. Additionally, I'm trying to use an 8mm lenses from a vintage Kodak 8mm Reel camera and install the sensor in that camera.

I got pretty far. My blocker is that the camera auto-shuts down because I removed the lenses.  CHDK is already installed on the SD and the camera recognizes CHDK; the [alt] shows up and that script shows up too. I'm thinking that the solution to this problem would be to modify the settings of the CHDK on the SD on the desktop to tell it to ignore the auto-shut down and ignore the fact there is no lens, sound, flash, exposure, etc.

Can anyone help with feedback? I'll buy you a beer over paypal if you help me figure this out!

Re: How can I shoot without the lenses?
« Reply #1 on: 03 / August / 2011, 16:22:52 »
I want to modify the camera to be able to shoot videos using the sensor of the digital with CHDK. Additionally, I'm trying to use an 8mm lenses from a vintage Kodak 8mm Reel camera and install the sensor in that camera.

I got pretty far. My blocker is that the camera auto-shuts down because I removed the lenses.  CHDK is already installed on the SD and the camera recognizes CHDK; the [alt] shows up and that script shows up too. I'm thinking that the solution to this problem would be to modify the settings of the CHDK on the SD on the desktop to tell it to ignore the auto-shut down and ignore the fact there is no lens, sound, flash, exposure, etc.

Can anyone help with feedback? I'll buy you a beer over paypal if you help me figure this out!

You are annoying many people by posting this same request all over the forum. Once is enough.
Ported :   A1200    SD940   G10    Powershot N    G16


Offline srsa_4c

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Re: How can I shoot without the lenses?
« Reply #2 on: 03 / August / 2011, 16:29:05 »
Please stop posting everywhere with the same subject.
CHDK - as far as I know - does not support anything that would prevent the camera shutting down with lens error.
You may have to do the override in hardware.
Look at this for example:

Another solution is to keep the electrical connection (i.e. wires) between the camera's panel and the removed optical assembly.


Offline funnel

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Re: How can I shoot without the lenses?
« Reply #3 on: 03 / August / 2011, 17:03:56 »
I found two functions called EnableLensError and DisableLensError in sx220 firmware. I'm wondering if they would disable this errors.

EDIT: value 1 or 0 gets stored at 0x3dd0+0x28 in my case. Just a thought.
« Last Edit: 03 / August / 2011, 17:16:34 by funnel »


Offline sh1981

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Re: How can I shoot without the lenses?
« Reply #4 on: 10 / August / 2011, 07:45:33 »
I found two functions called EnableLensError and DisableLensError in sx220 firmware. I'm wondering if they would disable this errors.

EDIT: value 1 or 0 gets stored at 0x3dd0+0x28 in my case. Just a thought.

Could you help me with disabling error E32 on ixus 105, it turns the camera off in 45 seconds even if I dont do anything. Does not give this error in playback mode. Sent a private msg to funnel as well since I'm flapping without my camera. Thread
A proud owner of Canon IXUS 105


Offline funnel

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Re: How can I shoot without the lenses?
« Reply #5 on: 10 / August / 2011, 09:28:26 »
All I can do for you is point you at the probably right address in your firmware. Your firmware doesn't have this two funcitions named like sx220, but seems like in both firmwares are located in similar places. This looks also to be like a hardware defect table but I don't know how it works.

The address is 0x27B4+0x34 . If 1 is enabled, 0 disabled. On my camera the lens error is always enabled, if I disable it nothing happens and returns back to enabled when I turn the camera off/on.

ixus 105.100d

Code: [Select]
ROM:FFC5CE6C sub_FFC5CE6C                            ; CODE XREF: sub_FFC5CF30+68p
ROM:FFC5CE6C                                         ; sub_FFD151F4+44p ...
ROM:FFC5CE6C                 LDR     R1, =0x27B4    <-------- this
ROM:FFC5CE70                 STMFD   SP!, {R4,LR}
ROM:FFC5CE74                 LDR     R2, [R1,#0x34]    <-------- and this
ROM:FFC5CE78                 CMP     R2, #0
ROM:FFC5CE7C                 LDMNEFD SP!, {R4,PC}
ROM:FFC5CE80                 MOV     R2, #1
ROM:FFC5CE84                 STR     R2, [R1,#0x34]
ROM:FFC5CE88                 AND     R1, R0, #0xFF00
ROM:FFC5CE8C                 CMP     R1, #0x100
ROM:FFC5CE90                 BEQ     loc_FFC5CEC8
ROM:FFC5CE94                 CMP     R1, #0x200
ROM:FFC5CE98                 BEQ     loc_FFC5CED8
ROM:FFC5CE9C                 CMP     R1, #0x400
ROM:FFC5CEA0                 LDRNE   R1, =0xB2E
ROM:FFC5CEA4                 LDRNE   R0, =aIsdriver_c
ROM:FFC5CEA8                 LDMNEFD SP!, {R4,LR}
« Last Edit: 10 / August / 2011, 10:58:54 by funnel »

Re: How can I shoot without the lenses?
« Reply #6 on: 10 / August / 2011, 11:52:58 »
OK, try this

You need to show the fault still exists before trying this build.

The camera turns off as a precaution for a reason  .....

Anyway, where do you get Cornish pastie with chips and peas in Islamabad ?



Offline sh1981

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Re: How can I shoot without the lenses?
« Reply #7 on: 10 / August / 2011, 12:41:38 »
OK, try this

You need to show the fault still exists before trying this build.

The camera turns off as a precaution for a reason  .....

Anyway, where do you get Cornish pastie with chips and peas in Islamabad ?


The link you gave has 0 bytes, in other words it didnt attach correctly.

Could you upload it again?

The problem still very much exists. Infact it turns off exactly and precisely after 1 minute in RECORD mode. It remains on all time in PLAYBACK mode.

About the cornish pasties, naa. However you do get curries like Chicken Balti of exceptionally good quality for under a quid. I remember how those desi restaurants rip you off with their overpriced menus in Cornwall. What I miss most is a pint of guiness, which I couldve done with after this..traumatic experience with error E32!
A proud owner of Canon IXUS 105


Offline sh1981

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Re: How can I shoot without the lenses?
« Reply #9 on: 10 / August / 2011, 13:13:49 »
A proud owner of Canon IXUS 105


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