You need to move files between my project and CHDK and splice them in and recompile.
If you can get this to work inside CHDK, then I'd be willing to share with you a few things ... to "ask" the Eye-Fi Card what the upload status of an individual file is, instead of going to hackish method of interpreting log messages (which, ironically, recently changed).
Don't the Eye-Fi cards already have an option to automatically delete old files after they've been uploaded?
Since most recent cameras also have some eye-fi support in the firmware, there may be firmware functions you could use to do some of the work required. It's possible that Canon has included a code library supplied by eye-fi into the camera firmware, so if you can find the right functions it might make it easier (and would mean less code added into CHDK).
It would be easier but would also leave most of the installed base of Canon camera's ported to CHDK behind. Still, take what you can get I guess.
All speculation of course until someone with an eye-fi card does some experimenting
Yup. And given that I'm still trying to find time to experiment with a simple switch and battery to figure out the USB remote code, it won't be me putting up my hand to volunteer to take this on.
Do the eye-fi cards work on old cameras with no built-in support in the firmware?
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