Hi CHDK folks!
I'm still pretty new to CHDK, but I find myself in the position where I think I need to do a custom build - or get one of the amazing developers on here interested in supporting my cause...
I found some code by Dave Hansen, who wrote eyefi-config, to be able to both configure and query the log from an Eye-Fi card on *nix systems, including CHDK (
He even did a CHDK port - sort of
http://dave-hansen.blogspot.com/2008/07/eye-fi-config-release-004.html but it doesn't really sound finished. He says
You need to move files between my project and CHDK and splice them in and recompile.
But there isn't clear information on how to expose his code in CHDK, and I'm really rusty, having only amateurly programmed (mostly scripted) since some pascal and basic
years ago. I don't really understand how I could splice this code into CHDK and expose it to scripting.
Would I need to add Lua support for the functions in Dave's code if I want to use it in Lua scripts? And if I want an "Eye-Fi menu" in CHDK, I imagine I would need to edit the CHDK main menu to add an Eye-Fi menu (probably first run his function to test if there's an eye-fi card) then make an Eye-Fi submenu that links to his functions to configure and display card settings
It seems like Dave's code is the place to start to add full-fledged Eye-Fi support to CHDK. The part that I really want is to be able to query the upload status of files, so that once they're uploaded, I can delete them within a CHDK script. If I can get the Eyefi-config functionality into Lua, I can parse the logs to get that info, but, more importantly, one of the Eye-Fi founders said that
If you can get this to work inside CHDK, then I'd be willing to share with you a few things ... to "ask" the Eye-Fi Card what the upload status of an individual file is, instead of going to hackish method of interpreting log messages (which, ironically, recently changed).
My initial thought was that I need to bite the bullet, install the Windows GUI for trunk building by whim, figure out how to splice in the Eyefi-config code, then figure out how to expose it in CHDK - probably adding both a menu interface for the functions and scripting functionality.
My second thought was, "Wow. That's a lot"
And my third thought was to ask for help/advice. Like "Where do I even start?" And that's why I posted this. Also because deep down I hope somebody way better at this than me will look at the code and go, "cool! that's gonna be easy!"

Thank you all you developers for doing amazing work on CHDK. Especially helpful for me have been reyalp and philmoz, and now I think whim. Oh and PhyrePhoX and waterwingz .. yeah. there are lots of great folks here. Thanks again.