Please help me. I don't know what to do next. I downloaded sx200is-100d-0.9.9-1290 and installed it on my SX20IS. All was fine. I got the menus, I added some custom HUD icons... all was good. I decided to make it bootable on my 16GB card, so I made my tiny little FAT12 partition and booted from that. Predictably, Windows wouldn't let me initialize the second partition, but I understood that the CHDK features could finish that for me. I started up with the custom card and used the option to swap paritions (I think... or something like that) and nothing seemed to happen (no indicator, no progress bar). I shut off the camera and that was it. The camera simply won't turn on now. No blink, sound, whir, anything. I've swapped the batteries with several sets, and tried another memory card, but it's simply dead. I've never seen anything like it. To make it worse (and even dumber...) I put the memory card into my S3IS just to confirm that the card worked (knowing CHDK was incompatible and assuming it would just have no effect), and now that camera won't turn on either.
Is it the memory card itself? Something in how I partitioned it? CHDK? It makes no sense at all. I don't want to assume causality linked to CHDK, but the memory card must somehow be the key... except that it doesn't turn on even with it out.
Can I somehow factory reset the camera? I know there are some techniques, but I think they all require the camera being turned on.
PLEASE HELP ME OBI-WAN! YOU'RE MY ONLY HOPE! (or any forum members really...)