unified buttons for <ALT> mode - page 2 - General Discussion and Assistance - CHDK Forum

unified buttons for <ALT> mode

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Re: unified buttons for <ALT> mode
« Reply #10 on: 27 / August / 2011, 05:42:00 »
...the default Canon behavior of the play button is somewhat convoluted.
...but well documented in the camera's user guides's, see SX10 sample attached...

Re: unified buttons for <ALT> mode
« Reply #11 on: 27 / August / 2011, 23:52:36 »
For touchscreen camera's play is just about the only button, so if we want a default on all cameras it has to be play or at least a combo with it. We could measure the key press duration and either do the normal action or enter alt mode at key click(release). Currently I don't think anything is in place to do this besides scripts.

I'm working on a macro key feature that would be ideal for this. It can be coded to make a button press do just about anything and tracks key presses and duration. I'm trying to make it lightweight with minimal processing so it's currently all hard coded in C just for what I want it to do on my S95.  My code is almost complete, but I haven't had time to test it yet (and I'm sure there are errors).  I'll post it soon and everyone can weigh in how to implement it (or not) then. 

Re: unified buttons for <ALT> mode
« Reply #12 on: 02 / September / 2011, 05:38:56 »
I just wanted to note i was wrong, core/kbd.c logs the key press duration for the <alt> key.  How it all works is pretty convoluted though.  I think a total rewrite of kbd.c is in order for my macro key hack... it will take me quite a while to do that though.

Anyways, the way it currently works is on a long hold it presses the key like normal, short enters <alt>.  The default key could be changed to play pretty easy, as well as switching to <alt> in long press instead of short, but the question is how does everyone want it to work? Everyone agree on making the play button universal and a long press entering alt?


Offline reyalp

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Re: unified buttons for <ALT> mode
« Reply #13 on: 24 / March / 2012, 18:30:37 »
Bumping this up since I was just in this area for sx150.

There are currently some cameras that use or default to using combos when although they have a play button.

Changing the default (and implicitly, the meaning of the users current selection) may be confusing. OTOH, I think standardizing on play would be a good thing. I'd be interested to hear other users and developers thoughts on this.

I would prefer to avoid combos since they are hard to use without triggering one of the buttons original functions.

Some affected cameras:
a3300 - not adjustable, uses disp+set
sx220, sx230 - adjustable, defaults to disp+set
ixus220,ixus230 - adjustable, defaults to video. Strangely has video twice in the options. Both also have some code specific to the video button in my_kbd_read_keys

Removing an option is probably bad, since that could leave users with an invalid value in their CFG (unless we check)
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Re: unified buttons for <ALT> mode
« Reply #14 on: 24 / March / 2012, 20:47:35 »
On sx130 'face detection' key is used (it has no print button). In case of changes in existing ports - this camera should stay as is - face button is not much usefull, so its better to keep this. I believe that some other cameras may stay with face button.

However - in absence of face button the play one seems to be good choice.

For me that could be a rule:
ALT is:
1. print button
2. if no print button then face button
3. if no face button then play button
if (2*b || !2*b) {

Compile error: poor Yorick


Offline kosy

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Re: unified buttons for <ALT> mode
« Reply #15 on: 25 / March / 2012, 01:16:44 »
@reyalp -- No, the Face button is the ALT key on the A3300!

And I like it that way because I often use the Play button for its intended use. But I never use the Face button except to enter/leave ALT mode.

I like outslider's proposal -- not all cameras are the same.


Offline reyalp

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Re: unified buttons for <ALT> mode
« Reply #16 on: 25 / March / 2012, 02:43:19 »
@reyalp -- No, the Face button is the ALT key on the A3300!
Huh ? Are you saying it should be, or are you saying it already is ? Because the code (and the notes.txt) say it isn't:
Code: [Select]
{ 2, KEY_PRINT           ,0x00000030 }, // Doesn't exist, DISP + SET for ALT menu
To enter CHDK <Alt> mode use the DISP+SET button.

If the build you are using has the face button as alt, please point out where you got it.
And I like it that way because I often use the Play button for its intended use. But I never use the Face button except to enter/leave ALT mode.
For whatever key is used as the alt key, you just have to hold it for ~1/2 second get the original function. This doesn't take long to get used to with the play button. That said, the ideal is to let users choose from any of the keys that make sense. On cameras with face button, it should certainly be an option.
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Re: unified buttons for <ALT> mode
« Reply #17 on: 25 / March / 2012, 03:13:58 »
On cameras with face button, it should certainly be an option.


How is the situation?

Code: [Select]
A480 [MODE]
A490, A495, Ixus95, A800 [>]
Ixus100, Ixus120 [DISP.]
Ixus300 [Up + Left]
A3000, SX120, SX130 [FACE]
A3300, SX150, SX220, SX230 [DISP. + SET]
Ixus220, Ixus230 ,Ixus1000 [VIDEO]

For people who explain CHDK is this a bad state. But for the first start we need an uniform system.

Which is the ALT button?


All of these cameras can get a alternative ALT button function, e.g. because underwater housing or private settings.



now changed: SX150, SX220, SX230
« Last Edit: 01 / April / 2012, 14:28:23 by msl »


Offline kosy

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Re: unified buttons for <ALT> mode
« Reply #18 on: 26 / March / 2012, 00:16:20 »
@reyalp: If the build you are using has the face button as alt, please point out where you got it.

I am using a3300-r1.0-100D-full that I got from the A3300 build thread.

See http://chdk.setepontos.com/index.php?topic=6972.msg81188#msg81188

I really like it this way -- much better in my mind than long click vs short click!


Offline reyalp

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Re: unified buttons for <ALT> mode
« Reply #19 on: 26 / March / 2012, 02:36:00 »
@reyalp: If the build you are using has the face button as alt, please point out where you got it.

I am using a3300-r1.0-100D-full that I got from the A3300 build thread.

See http://chdk.setepontos.com/index.php?topic=6972.msg81188#msg81188

I really like it this way -- much better in my mind than long click vs short click!
Thanks. I don't see any source for that posted. The current autobuilds uses a combo as I described, and doesn't even have the face button value in the keyboard table.
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