A495 Disk Formating - General Discussion and Assistance - CHDK Forum

A495 Disk Formating

  • 4 Replies
A495 Disk Formating
« on: 28 / August / 2011, 16:52:35 »
I'm very new and obviously my reading of the manual didn't take. Can someone please tell me how to format the disk so when I try to move the CHDK software to it its not in READ only mode?

What did I do wrong?

Thanks in advance, keep the flames low, but help if you can.


Offline reyalp

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Re: A495 Disk Formating
« Reply #1 on: 28 / August / 2011, 17:05:27 »
You need to be more specific about what you did, and which part failed.

If you followed some specific instructions on the wiki, it would be helpful if you linked to it, since there are a lot of different pages and it's not at all clear which one you've tried to follow.
Don't forget what the H stands for.

Re: A495 Disk Formating
« Reply #2 on: 28 / August / 2011, 17:07:45 »
I'm very new and obviously my reading of the manual didn't take. Can someone please tell me how to format the disk so when I try to move the CHDK software to it its not in READ only mode?

What did I do wrong?
Well,  did you set the little SD card lock swith to the "off" or "unlocked" position prior to formatting and moving the CHDK software to the card ?

Thanks in advance, keep the flames low, but help if you can.

A couple of other helpful guides that mostly do not contradict each other :


And this guide on card formatting is the most useful if your card is bigger than 4G :


« Last Edit: 28 / August / 2011, 17:09:23 by waterwingz »
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Re: A495 Disk Formating
« Reply #3 on: 28 / August / 2011, 18:10:26 »
It's a 16Gb SD card. Yes I have it unlocked. All of done so far is put it in the camera and format it. I did a low level format, it took 30 seconds and said it was done. But when I put it in the card reader and try and move the CHDK software to it I'm told it is read only.


Re: A495 Disk Formating
« Reply #4 on: 28 / August / 2011, 18:21:18 »
It's a 16Gb SD card. Yes I have it unlocked. All of done so far is put it in the camera and format it. I did a low level format, it took 30 seconds and said it was done. But when I put it in the card reader and try and move the CHDK software to it I'm told it is read only.
Sounds like a hardware problem with your SD card reader ?

If you want to do SD card lock booting on startup,  you will need to dual partition the card with a small FAT16 primary partition and large FAT32.  This is covered in the links I posted above.  Firmware update booting method will work with a single FAT32 partition.
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