Finally, I used this
Sensor size: 3744 x 2784
Jpeg size: 3648 x 2736
Active zone x1, y1: 64, 22
Active zone x2, y2: 3728, 2762
Black-white levels: 127 - 4095
Mosaic type Red,Green Green,Blue
Bits per unit: 12 bit
Illuminant: Daylight
Matrix: 0.13440 -0.05896 -0.01279 -0.01236 0.09598 0.01931 -0.00180 0.01001 0.04651
Multiplicator: 1.0 1.0 1.0
- Black-white levels 127 - 4095, see post of philmoz in this thread;
- Illuminant: Daylight, my guess;
- Matrix: 0.13440 -0.05896 -0.01279 -0.01236 0.09598 0.01931 -0.00180 0.01001 0.04651, see source code dcraw.c"Canon PowerShot S95", 0, 0,
{ 13440,-5896,-1279,-1236,9598,1931,-180,1001,4651 };
- everything else, see source code chdk Camera - S95 - platform_camera.h conclude that the chdk source code Camera - S95 - platform_camera.h can be improved by using the right color matrix from dcraw.c. I don't know if this has anything to do with the wrong colors of my JPG files, created with custom white balance using a white card. The colors of the DNG files I generated from CHDK CRW with the above settings are much better.