same happen with cr2 too.Or what program can read chdk cr2 format ?
CHDK raws
are not in CR2 format. They are just some random data. The extension has nothing to do with the format. CHDK lets the user pick the extension, CRW or CR2 just happen to be the defaults because files with certain naming patterns play better with the canon OS for transfering over USB or deleting from the canon UI. You can also use .WAV or .AVI but the raw will not be an audio file or movie

I thought first cr2 work in same way as Canon cr2, because chdk name it cr2.
And now you know that is not true. extension != format.
I think enhance of chdk cr2 so it store exif, image dimension and Bayer pattern format is lots more work,
Don't call it "cr2" format unless it is actually crw2 format.
If we make a CHDK specific format, call it CHDK format.
Making an almost DNG that requires byteswap isn't a bad idea, but it *must* contain some additional header or something so it is not confused with real DNG, and it must not be called DNG. To make a format that looked like DNG but was not in valid DNG format would do everyone a big disservice (see the existing confusion based on extension... something that actually had what looked like a valid DNG header would be far worse). I would not agree with having something like this added to CHDK.
I would suggest
magic header e.g. "CHDK"
offset of "dng" data (exactly like current DNG, without bytes swapped or badpixels removed)
DNG data
Maybe offset of the raw data inside the "dng". That would make in-camera processing (e.g. swapping bytes after the fact in camera or raw operations) simpler, since you wouldn't have to parse the whole DNG header.
I have brought this up previously: