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Power adaptor don't work

  • 25 Replies

Offline Pier

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Re: Power adaptor don't work
« Reply #20 on: 23 / September / 2011, 08:59:20 »
The problem is not in LM317.I gave enough info for that !
LM317 is highly recomended for any kind of electronic equipment that needs
of clear, noiseless, very stable and protected output voltage in range 1.2 - 30V ..to say.
Any kind, including Poower adapters for Digital cameras.
Power dissipation is low if input voltage is only 3- 4 volts for sure above output voltave by maximum output curent 1.5 A.It's make 6 Watts max.Small radiator will do the job.
I using this regulator for many many years and never had a problems.
For sure do not use trim resistor but normal rezistors to adjust output voltage.
There is pretty good LM 317 Calculator to do this :
My camera SX130IS with CHDK bootable on 8GB HAMA SDHC card Class 10, allways when powered ON and CHDK is loaded stay in Preview Mode -NO LENS RETRACT, and the curent is 0.35 A (with display ON).If I touch gently shutter button LENS RETRACTED and camera is ready for shooting.I made several attempt without CHDK - not working too.
The problem is in my Camera INSIDE.Without LM317 and battery pack 2.7 A/3.2 V camera do not work from external jack ! This 3.2 v was rised to 3,6 v (LiIon battery 2.7 A) - same situation.
Camera woking fine with internal batteries, and will continue to use it this way for now.
Thanks very very much for cooperation to solve the problem.
Best Regards ! Pier
« Last Edit: 23 / September / 2011, 09:02:11 by Pier »

Re: Power adaptor don't work
« Reply #21 on: 02 / October / 2011, 08:33:25 »
I had succesfully powered my SX130 with adjustable AC adapter. I started from low voltages and currents and my experiments brought following findings:

-polarity: + inside, - outslide (it's a standard for AC adapters, I've never seen this replaced)

-the minimal current, when camera can run in play mode: 0.25 A
-the minimal voltage, when camera can run in play mode: 2.25 V (low battery icon appears, 2.80 V - no icon)

-the minimal current, when camera can run in shooting mode: 0.75 A (but 4 V needed!)
-the minimal voltage, when camera can run in shooting mode: 3.50 V (but 1 A needed!)

I'm using parameters as follows:

voltage: 4 V
current: 2 A

Of course, when I set 2 A camera never really uses as much, since adapter sets only voltage and current is limited by camera (as resistor). Nevertheless sometimes 1 A was to little for sx130 and it crashed. Using 2 A almost no crash was obserwed.

And a small note: although I set 4 V on my adapter, CHDK indicator sais it's only 3.36 V so I guess my adapter has bad potentiometer. Try to use 3.3 - 3.4 V at start to avoid burning your camera away:D

Oh, and it looks like it doesn't matter you connect power source with this hole on the side of the camera or somehow you'll connect to bateries contacts (battery cap must be closed!).

I'm attaching a photo of adapter and homemade batteries repacer (can be connected to adapter)
« Last Edit: 02 / October / 2011, 08:42:13 by outslider »
if (2*b || !2*b) {

Compile error: poor Yorick

Re: Power adaptor don't work
« Reply #22 on: 02 / October / 2011, 10:31:30 »
(battery cap must be closed!).
CHDK for some cameras has a mod in boot.c that allows the camera to operate with the battery door open.  Useful for swapping SD cards out frequently during development or for making "wooden" batteries for power adapters.
Ported :   A1200    SD940   G10    Powershot N    G16

Re: Power adaptor don't work
« Reply #23 on: 02 / October / 2011, 14:11:39 »
Whooho! That would be great! How can I check wheter my sx130 has this mod or not? At the moment when I open my bateries cap camera turns off immediately (usefull for lens cleaning at least...)
if (2*b || !2*b) {

Compile error: poor Yorick

Re: Power adaptor don't work
« Reply #24 on: 02 / October / 2011, 15:39:40 »
Whooho! That would be great! How can I check wheter my sx130 has this mod or not? At the moment when I open my bateries cap camera turns off immediately (usefull for lens cleaning at least...)
If your camera turns off when you open the battery door and CHDK is loaded,  then the CHDK port for your camera does not support this function.  Somebody would have to modify boot.c and a kbd.c to support this feature.
Ported :   A1200    SD940   G10    Powershot N    G16

Re: Power adaptor don't work
« Reply #25 on: 11 / October / 2011, 18:35:13 »
srsa_4c ,
All You said was done.
After sticking the rezistor direct on the plug, voltage drop only with 0.1 v (100 mV).
Not able to measure anything with my adapter.The camera is like a dead horse :)
No curent flow..nothing, only 3.2 v persist...
Last test was with 3.6 v output - same situation.Camera still working fine with battery.
So - 10x to trying help me.I break all test for now and will rest for a while.Will continue some day...
Will take a look inside camera maybe....

Other thought...
If you have the same power plug without anything connected on the other side you can try the following:
1. Put the battery inside the camera and close everything as in normal use
2. Power on the camera
It should work.
3. Power of the camera
4. Connect the dummy power plug
5. Try to power on the camera

If the camera powers on then you have the wrong plug (i.e. outer diameter to small to fully engage the external power supply).
If the camera does not power on, then you will need to look for the problem elsewhere (i.e check the inner diameter of the plug versus the male pin on the camera.  etc etc...


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