In PTP, when a request for data has been received does the camera have to respond within a certain time ?If so, and it does not, would you expect it to simply send an error response rather than crash ?For other CHDK tasks, do all operations have to be completed within 10 msecs ?If they do not complete, is the state of the task saved or does it start again from the beginning ?In the latter case, I guess you have to split the operation into phases and save the phase number in a static local variable.
good programming practice in any "non-preemptive" OS
So, which of the following is VxWorks/Dryos ? :-
On another application, I wonder if it is possible to delay the start of the movie task in an attempt to bring two cameras into synch ?
the movie task starts when the camera does.
In PTP, when a request for data has been received does the camera have to respond within a certain time ?
For other CHDK tasks, do all operations have to be completed within 10 msecs ?
If they do not complete, is the state of the task saved or does it start again from the beginning ?
Quote from: waterwingz on 25 / September / 2011, 10:54:20 the movie task starts when the camera does.In theory, if the cameras are powered-up at the same time the system clocks should be in close synch.
In theory, if the cameras are powered-up at the same time the system clocks should be in close synch.Not really
Are you saying that startup of the clocks is not a purely electronic function but is determined by a software enable ?
I'm not sure which clocks you are referring to
have you actually identified them ?
How ?
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