--[[@title USB Movie & Still@param a Shot Delay (sec)@default a 30]]capturemode=require("capmode")set_console_layout(10, 0, 40, 14)print("started ...")if not capturemode.valid("VIDEO_STD") then print "Invalid mode: VIDEO_STD"elseif not capturemode.valid("P") then print "Invalid mode: P"elseif (get_config_value(121) == 0 ) then set_config_value(121, 1) print("Enabling USB Remote")endtstamp = get_tick_count()photo=1repeat if get_tick_count() > tstamp then print("shoot picture ", photo) tstamp = get_tick_count() + a*1000 shoot() photo=photo+1 end wait_click(100) if is_pressed("remote") then print("switching to video") capturemode.set("VIDEO_STD") sleep(100) press("shoot_full") sleep(500) release("shoot_full") repeat wait_click(100) until not is_pressed("remote") print("exiting video") press("shoot_full") sleep(500) release("shoot_full") sleep(200) capturemode.set("P") tstamp = get_tick_count() end sleep(200) until falseendend
print "Hello World!"sleep 1000
print("Hello World!")sleep(1000)
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