Comparing with yours my photo is rather modest, but I still like to share it It was around 200 photos from my window. This huge trail is from moon (there were some clouds there). Looks catastrophic...
A... StarTracer? I'll test it tonight! Looks cool.I was also thinking of adding a CHDK function for raws for star trails (just like we have raw-sum and raw-average, I could add raw-sum-lighten). This shouldn't be defficult to do, the raw-sum code should be just taken and a simple if() statement have to be used. This would work almost as fast as raw-sum we have now (which is not very fast, but this way you'd have stars-trail photo directly in RAW format!).This would be usefull not only for star trails, but also for car trails and so on.
I had DFS off on these photos. But these photos were taken not exactly to do star trails but timelapse video. However, it was not very interesting, so I made star trails instead. Since the delay between photos was ~ 60 sec and exposure time was around 20-30 sec. there are gaps on trails. The other reason for gaps are clouds (especially visible on moon's trail).I wonder how would sun trail look like taken on sunrise...
I wonder how would sun trail look like taken on sunrise...
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