Hello everyone!
Since I rapaired my lock switch in SD card I liked to boot CHDK on startup. I have as follows:
-SX130is 1.01c firmware
-8 GB SD with 2 partitions (16 MB FAT16 bootable; rest - FAT32)
-Ubuntu GNU/Linux
What I did:
-partitions (as above) using gparted
-both partitions contains CHDK binaries (ps2 and bin as well)
-generally as written on wiki (
-in CHDK menu I used 'make card bootable' option
What I have (and why it's not what I need):
-when I have unlocked card I have to run CHDK through Firm Update (that's OK)
-when I lock SD and try to turn the camera ON it is doing something for 1-2 seconds and then turns ON but without CHDK.
I'm pretty sure, that correct partition is first and bootable, since the camera is doing something - I guess it tries to boot .bin file. But it fails and then boots without CHDK. And I can't find the reason.
I tried to use three builds, one was compiled by my own and no one have run. ps2 files through Firm Update works good.
If you can give me more informations about possible reasons or solutions I'll try to change something or read apropriate manuals. At the moment I have no idea why camera fails.
I can't use CardTrics since it runs only on Windows which I don't have...