"Half shutter" key bindings in 1.1 on A810 (and others maybe too) - CHDK Releases - CHDK Forum

"Half shutter" key bindings in 1.1 on A810 (and others maybe too)

  • 4 Replies

This is my first report here so I might be messing up something. I apologise.

According to the manual (pp. 91 and 105) two (←, →) of the "Half shutter + cursor" bindings are used by the original firmware.

I've checked the source. I launched the following command to check what is the actual binding for SHORTCUT_DISABLE_OVERRIDES on A810 (I don't know the structure of the source tree very well yet but this seems the most logical).

Code: [Select]
(cat include/camera.h; sed -n 52,138p core/gui.c; echo SHORTCUT_DISABLE_OVERRIDES ) | cpp -I platform/a810/

I got KEY_LEFT. Which according to the manual is not appropriate for use with "Half shutter".

The effect on my A810 is that:
  • the fist time I press HS+LEFT: the overrides toggle;
  • the second time I do it: the AFL kicks in;
  • upon the third attempt the camera crashes.

Best regards,
« Last Edit: 20 / January / 2013, 17:35:42 by steelman »


Offline reyalp

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Re: "Half shutter" key bindings in 1.1 on A810 (and others maybe too)
« Reply #1 on: 20 / January / 2013, 22:17:19 »
Conflicting shortcuts is an unfortunately common problem. However, it shouldn't cause a crash. The expected behavior is that both the CHDK function and the Canon function are triggered at the same time.

I've posted a link to this in the development thread http://chdk.setepontos.com/index.php?topic=8450.75

Don't forget what the H stands for.


Offline nafraf

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Re: "Half shutter" key bindings in 1.1 on A810 (and others maybe too)
« Reply #2 on: 20 / January / 2013, 22:45:45 »
Which CHDK are you using? I could not reproduce the crash using a810-100b-1.1.0-2501-full_BETA.zip.

Re: "Half shutter" key bindings in 1.1 on A810 (and others maybe too)
« Reply #3 on: 24 / January / 2013, 14:24:30 »


Offline nafraf

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Re: "Half shutter" key bindings in 1.1 on A810 (and others maybe too)
« Reply #4 on: 24 / January / 2013, 14:47:59 »
Please post the ROMLOG.LOG file, it can be saved from the CHDK menu, using "miscellaneous stuff->Debug Parameters->Save ROM crash log"


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