If I understand correctly you are saying that when you set an ISO override your images can come out underexposed - if so this is the same as on my cameras.
On all three versions I've done (G12, SX30 and IXUS310) the overrides are applied after the camera calculates the exposure.
Yes this i mean
Now I can't say for sure that this is the 'correct' behaviour - you might think that being able to set an override and have the camera correctly calculate exposure would be more useful. Of course it could also be argued that not having the camera change exposure is better as it allows you to use the override to correct cases where the camera gets the exposure wrong.
My camera have only 1 long time exposure mode, i can select time from 1 sec to 15 sec
Maybe it is possible to detect in chdk the program mode, or if chdk use time overwrite or aperture overwrite and do in automatic modes the code i use for ixus 1000 if it can work on other camera too.
this programs on my camera do time aperture, automatic depend on ISO.
{ MODE_AUTO, 32768 },
{ MODE_P, 32772 },
{ MODE_EASY, 33314 }, // Changed in SX210
{ MODE_PORTRAIT, 32783 }, // Changed in SX210
{ MODE_NIGHT_SNAPSHOT, 32781 }, // Changed in SX210
{ MODE_LANDSCAPE, 32782 }, // Changed in SX210
{ MODE_VIDEO_COLOR_SWAP, 2611 }, //??
{ MODE_VIDEO_STD, 2612 },// Changed in SX210
{ MODE_KIDS_PETS, 32786 },// Changed in SX210
{ MODE_INDOOR, 32787 },// Changed in SX210