Does ISO overwrite correct work on BSI CMOS Camera as Ixus 300/310 /sx220/sx230 - page 3 - General Discussion and Assistance - CHDK Forum

Does ISO overwrite correct work on BSI CMOS Camera as Ixus 300/310 /sx220/sx230

  • 22 Replies

I see in your code auto iso is design to not work on Flash auto mode.But whats the reason, or better is the reason valid on newer Camera ?

I haven't looked at this - if auto ISO is disabled when the flash is on this will be in the CHDK core code, not something specific to my ports. There is probably a reason for it; but whether the reason is still valid for current cameras I can's say.


BTW: can you tell me a very easy to handle diff tool that produce correct diff file from 2 dirs and have a GUI ?

If you are using Windows then I recommend TortoiseSVN. This will give you an SVN client integrated into Windows explorer. You can right click and checkout a working copy of the source, update to the latest version and easily create patch files in the right format.


I have tortoise SVN, but shame on me for my stupid question, what link i need to check it out as SVN so it work in tortoise URL to repository ?

I find only the link to trac.but on what server i can find the source ?

Ixus 1000 HS

I find only the link to trac.but on what server i can find the source ?

from the description here :
Ported :   A1200    SD940   G10    Powershot N    G16

I find only the link to trac.but on what server i can find the source ?

from the description here :

ok thanks, i have change the wiki of
and add that link to svn.hope its ok.
Ixus 1000 HS


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