Here is what I have done so far.
The following was done using trunk rev 1385 which includes changes by philmoz to support DryOS R49:
1. Copied loader/sx130is directory to loader/sx150is and platform/sx130is to platform/sx150is
2. Deleted platform/sx150is/sub/101c and platform/sx150is/sub/101d directories
3. Renamed platform/sx150is/sub/101f directory to 100a and copied PRIMARY.BIN firmware dump
4. Modified /platform/sx150is/sub/100a/ PLATFORMID to 12852
5. Added sx150is ALPHA 100a entry to camera_list.csv
6. Added "defined(CAMERA_sx150is)" to core/kbd.c Line 105 to add ZSTEP_TABLE_SIZE 7 define (required to compile)
7. Emptied stubs_entry_2.S file
8. Compiled to generate stubs_entry.S file (see attachment)
9. Modified platform_camera.h, kbd.c, stubs_min.S and lib.c based on stubs_entry.S generated output
10. Added 6 missing STUB entries pointing to a Null pointer in stubs_entry_2.S for the following functions:
kbd_pwr_on, FreeUncacheableMemory, SetZoomActuatorSpeedPercent, UnlockAndRefresh, LockAndRefresh, UpdateMBROnFlash
11. Re-compiled, copied code to SD card. Camera does not appear to turn on when attempting to boot CHDK.
11) Ran a CBASIC script to identify LED addresses ( I was able to confirm that both 0xC0220010 and 0xC0220014 turn on the back Green LED but could not find the address for the front Orange LED.
I have attached the generated stubs_entry.S file.
What should be done next? Does the boot.c file need to be modified to specifically support the SX150? Where should I put in LED blinking code during the boot process to monitor where the camera is crashing?
Also, does anyone know if 6 functions that were not found are actually needed? I have loaded the firmware dump in IDA using the CHDK.idc script files but didn't get anywhere attempting to find them.