Download Stuffit Expander and use that to expand/open the CHDK zip file. It will now work. Took me forever to stumble onto this!
Hi,Inquiry-- I have an SX30IS, been running for ~12mo no problems with the motion detection script.I recently purchased an SX40HS and when CHDK is not running, the camera stays on forever.When I load CHDK and the motion detection script on the SX40HS, it turns off randomly.In one case, I was watching, waiting for it turn off, it turned off right when it was writing a picture (powers off) and the camera lens stays extended.Any thoughts here? Has anyone heard of any issue like this before?The f/w is version "I"Justin.
Hello,1. This is done, I started the camera (boot/chdk->motion @ 4:38AM) localtime.2. The last picture it took was at 8:57AM (approx).3. Again, the time until it turns off is random.4. I've performed the steps you have outlined and the LOG file is available here: If anything else is needed/I need to gather please let me know, thank you.Justin.
Hello,I am only using CHDK and the script (no overrides), also something I noticed if you run the script with the defaults, it seems as if it may run longer than when you change the settings, I will post my settings below.Here is the motion script being used: are the parameters I am using:
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