Not sure, I have used sdminste.exe and fat32format.exe. No option for block size as far as I know with those two.
>How slow is slow, compared to fast, in seconds >approximately?about 1 sec.
lapser,What value are you suggesting for allocation unit size? I entered 8192.
With a 4GB FAT16 card the SX40SH is ready in less than 2 seconds. If I use FAT32 it takes 3 to 4 seconds. It seems like you need to press the power button longer.
If core_spytask_can_start didn't get called, that would slow things down, but I don't see how that would depend on the card format.
Hi Phil,>What firmware is your camera?sx40hs - 1.00i>My SX40 (1.00g) starts in less than 2 seconds using a 16GB >card formatted as FAT32.>(This is powering on to record mode using a long press of the >power button).Yes, 2 seconds, with a 4GB FAT16 card, powering on to record mode using a long press of the power button. FAT32 with the same card is slower, also if I use the 8GB FAT32 card. Here is the 8GB SD card, the 4GB is the same type:
Please ignore if this sounds silly but, do you have to keep the power button press longer if the card is formatted FAT32? When I try both cards it seems like I need to keep the power button pressed longer for the camera to start if I am using the 8GB FAT32 card. With the 4GB FAT16 card, the camera is on in less than 1 second, and it is ready to shoot in about another second.
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