Command received. Triggering capture!CTransaction: Command block send error: 000D
I also tried transferring a thumbnail, but a PTP request for any thumbnail returns a "no thumbnail exists" type error. I thought the thumbnail's existence was specified by the PTP spec, but maybe that isn't correct. My question then is this: is it possible to generate a thumbnail, either by PTP command or using Lua? A thumbnail image is going to be significantly smaller than a full 8MP image and I'm hoping it can be transferred quickly enough to meet my needs. Any ideas?
Does your camera react at all when you run the program?
Nightmare75, I have a quick question. I am about to attempt this again with a new Arduino and USB Host Shield. The instructions on the Circuits@Home site say to cut a trace in the board. How do you know when you have successfully cut the trace? I am a little nervous about doing this.
Another thing. For faster transfer speeds to might want to consider something like the Raspberry Pi (when it is finally available). Since it is a fast little computer I am sure you will get much better speeds and there is software like gPhoto2 that can call PTP commands.
On some cameras it only works in Playback mode.On other cameras it may not work at all.
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