Can anyone tell me the main files i need to work on to just get the cam to boot, i have been reading, but i feel like im doing it wrong, just want to see it finally boot so i feel like im on the right track, so far when i compile with the chdk-shell it compiles with errors of coarse,
If there are compile errors, then you need to fix them. You can comment stuff out to make it compile.
but i get the diskboot.bin i set to lock on card and it just makes cam not turn on and i have to take bat out to fix it.
You shouldn't get a diskboot.bin if there were compile errors. Chances are it's a leftover from something else you did.
See here for what you need to change
If you are having trouble booting, you can put loops that blink an LED at various points. See
Execution starts in loader/<camera>/entry.S
You can put the asm there to verify that your binary is correct. If that doesn't work, it usually means you haven't encoded diskboot correctly.
Hi, thanks for the responce, i was able to get the diskboot.bin by ingnoring errors, but since then I corrected them, and get no errors now, but no matter what i still cant get no boot with card in and i have to remove card at rest bat to get it to boot without chdk of coarse. I tried changing the Need_Encode from 1 through 6 and no change, this is all I see in entry.s
.section .entry
// Turn OFF SD Card power
// to support autostart. SX220 @FF06B2E0
LDR R3, =0xC022005C
MOV R2, #0x44
STR R2, [R3]
// looks like idle cycle is required for proper shutdown
MOV R3, #0x8000 // increased from 8000 to F0000 for extra delay for sx200 maybe could be 10000 ?
SUB R3, R3, #1
CMP R3, #0
BNE 1b
// ordinary startup...
MOV SP, #0x1900
MOV R11, #0
B my_restart
I used the sx220 firmware to find out where this address would be in my firmware so the first address is what should be the address for the a3300is, or am I doing something wrong there? Is the sx220 the wrong cam I should be looking at, from what i saw, it seems pretty close to the a3300is??? Could it be something in the
I really didnt know what the addresses should be so I left them other then change the ROMBASE to mine.
The only other files I have touched were totally changing all addreses to my firmware addreses in boot.c and a few in the stubs_entry_2.s just all the ones that stuck out so far, especially the taskhook ones at the top.
Am I going about it all wrong? I have already read the adding support for new cam, thats what helped me, but there not enough detail in there really for a newbie like me i guess, sux cause I have time to do this, and learn fast but need more help to get going I guess.