PowerShot A495 - General Discussion and Assistance - CHDK Forum

PowerShot A495

  • 4 Replies
PowerShot A495
« on: 25 / October / 2011, 11:32:02 »
If you are one of those guys who has no time for beginner questions, stop reading now.  I'll wait for you to leave.

OK, the rest of you who have a bit more patience thank you for staying with me. My questions are basic but I really don't know the answers and don't seem to be having any luck in finding one I understand.

1) What is and why would I be interested in "firmware dumping"?

2) I've tried every method I can find to determine the firmware version on my A495. I even took a picture and used a EXIF viewer to see it. All it said was "Firmware Version:   Firmware Version 1.00" without any letter (e,d,f). Is there a foolproof method to find this information on this camera?

3) I've loaded all three of the CHDK software loads one at a time to my camera because of #2 above, but have never been able to see the "firm update" menu item. Obviously I'm doing something wrong, someplace. Several ideas come to mind. a) It says to start up the camera in "PLAYBACK-MODE" but I'm not exactly sure what that is or how to get there. I've also tried the double click on what I think is the playback button ( a right facing arrow?).

I suspect answering #2 or #3 above will take care of me, so if you are still reading.....HELP!

Thanks to everyone who is kind enough to answer.


Offline zeno

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Re: PowerShot A495
« Reply #1 on: 25 / October / 2011, 12:45:47 »
My Acid app (see http://www.zenoshrdlu.com/acid/acid.html) should not only tell you the software version but also download the appropriate build for you. All you have to do is drag and drop a picture taken with the camera on to the ACID window. If it doesn't work let me know and I'll fix it!

The only reason you'd be interested in firmware dumping is if your camera turns out to be one which is not currently supported. Getting a firmware dump is the first step in producing a build. So unless your A495 is not 100d, 100e or 100f you don't need to worry.
A570, S100, Ixus 127

Re: PowerShot A495
« Reply #2 on: 25 / October / 2011, 13:51:28 »
It says to start up the camera in "PLAYBACK-MODE" but I'm not exactly sure what that is or how to get there. I've also tried the double click on what I think is the playback button ( a right facing arrow?).
The playback button is a single button with a right facing arrow in a rectangular box on the right side of the camera - second button from the top. With the camera OFF,  press it once to turn the camera ON.  Do not use the On/Off button on top of the camera to do this.   Then when you go into the Canon menus, you should see the Firmware Update option now available.
Ported :   A1200    SD940   G10    Powershot N    G16

Re: PowerShot A495
« Reply #3 on: 25 / October / 2011, 14:10:23 »
Thank you Zeno.

This worked perfectly. Both programs worked as promised. I used the Acid program to determine that I was at 100f, and to download the new firmware. Then I used the SDMInstaller to load the new software. It took me a few tries to figure out how to start up the camera to take pictures (hold ON/OFF for a few seconds) again but the rest all seems to work great.
Next I need to write a script. The camera will be used to take pictures during a high altitude balloon flight. I want it to take pictures quite often right at lift off, then slow down at altitude and speed up again when the balloon nears touchdown. Entire flight is about 2 hours so its mostly guessing when each of these steps happen.

My Acid app (see http://www.zenoshrdlu.com/acid/acid.html) should not only tell you the software version but also download the appropriate build for you. All you have to do is drag and drop a picture taken with the camera on to the ACID window. If it doesn't work let me know and I'll fix it!

The only reason you'd be interested in firmware dumping is if your camera turns out to be one which is not currently supported. Getting a firmware dump is the first step in producing a build. So unless your A495 is not 100d, 100e or 100f you don't need to worry.

Re: PowerShot A495
« Reply #4 on: 25 / October / 2011, 14:32:17 »
It took me a few tries to figure out how to start up the camera to take pictures (hold ON/OFF for a few seconds) again but the rest all seems to work great.
You can also just "half press" the shutter release button to switch from playback to shooting mode.
Ported :   A1200    SD940   G10    Powershot N    G16


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