My a540 can only handle standard sd not sdhc cards. The second generation eye-fi cards are all sdhc. the second generation transfers video and raw. I find though that chdk allows me with my first generation Share card to use "jpg" as the suffix for my raw files. When I shoot the double picture exposure of real jpeg and real raw, both immediately travel to my camera via wi-fi. Of course I then have to rename the image as crw, and convert it with the free version of Photomatix.
If I could move the raw photo to the directory which is visible on the lcd camera screen, I would be able to protect it, which should send it to flickr. (I am using Protect to select which photos will go to flicker).
When I use the option to put the raw photo in the same directory as the jpeg, the jpeg becomes invisible on the camera screen, ie the jpeg is moved to the raw directory rather than vv.
So my question is whether there is a way to make my raw photo that has a jpg suffix appear on my camera screen so that I can Protect it?
Since a jpg suffix works with eye-fi, I would really like a way to also use jpg as my video suffix. Rename.lua does not seem to work with the a540. Perhaps a digic II vs digic III issue?
For those of us who use eye-fi and sd cards only this is very important.