Simple DOF bracketing for SX30 needed - Script Writing - CHDK Forum

Simple DOF bracketing for SX30 needed

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Offline bojofbas

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Simple DOF bracketing for SX30 needed
« on: 06 / November / 2011, 13:13:02 »
Of the  scripts I have seen not found a simple one which allows me to used the settings as stated here (which work great with very fine increments for macros and stacking)

but  I need to manually keep button  pressed to use the continuous shooting mode which can  move the camera, not what you need for macro shots

So need a script that lets me set number of continuous shots with one button press, then shoots  ( using continuous)  and using the DOF braketing setting in the Alt menu for the number of shots set in any new  script.

Not a script writer so need help

« Last Edit: 06 / November / 2011, 13:16:53 by bojofbas »


Offline SkyWalker9

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Re: Simple DOF bracketing for SX30 needed
« Reply #1 on: 06 / November / 2011, 21:34:33 »
Of the  scripts I have seen not found a simple one which allows me to used the settings as stated here (which work great with very fine increments for macros and stacking) 
...but  I need to manually keep button  pressed to use the continuous shooting mode which can  move the camera, not what you need for macro shots. So need a script that lets me set number of continuous shots with one button press, then shoots  ( using continuous)  and using the DOF braketing setting in the Alt menu for the number of shots set in any new  script...Not a script writer so need help
I tried various combinations of settings using the CHDK menu options, but was not able to get the DOF bracketing to work on my SX20 either. Maybe someone else has had better luck. In the mean time, here is a short & simple DOF stacking script that might work for you until then. It's not fancy, just easy to use...Set the number of shots you want and press the shutter to run.

Since using my SX20 I noticed that trying to adjust the focus beyond the near and far limits seems to have no effect. In addition, the readings for the two values (near and far limits) can change dramatically by any small change in what the camera lens "sees" such as small movements in the scene, lighting, etc. This script allows an individual to capture the details of the object/scene by selecting the number of shots (evenly spaced over the focus range) via the get_near_limit and get_far_limit statements.

The following information will be displayed during the shot sequence: the shot being taken, the current focus point (unit value) being used, and the amount of deviation from the mid-point focus in both units & percent. The script ends by setting the focus point to the mid-point of the range.

- #Shots. This parameter allows you to choose the number of photos to make for the DOF bracketing/stacking series. If this parameter is set less than 2, the script will terminate.
- Save log (1=Yes). This parameter allows the saving of DOF Bracket/Stack focus values in a log. The logging process creates a log in the CHDK/LOGS folder. In order to capture multiple logs, the hour and minute are used as part of the file name. For example, if the log is created at 10:32 the filename would be "LOG_1032.TXT". The script overwrites any log with the same name (same hour and minute). A sample log is attached (LOG_2013.TXT):

How many photos should be enough for DOF bracketing/stacking?
For focus bracketing/stacking in macro photography, it is usually recommended to use at least 5 or more photos to get the best results using programs like CombineZM or Zerene Stacker.

Basic recommendations
1 Set Continuous Shooting mode “off”; Review “off”; Flash “off”; MF-Point Zoom "on"; Safety MF "off". Since you will normally be using a tripod, you should disable Image Stabilization.
2 Start with the AF-Point Zoom “on”
3 Set script parameters
4 Select Manual Focus Mode (MF), press half shutter to set intial focus
5 Run script

Place "BrckDOF.bas" in Scripts folder.

Hope this helps in the mean time....
« Last Edit: 07 / November / 2011, 09:39:48 by SkyWalker9 »


Offline SkyWalker9

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Re: Simple DOF bracketing for SX30 needed
« Reply #2 on: 08 / November / 2011, 13:08:45 »
During some late night testing I noticed that the camera might occassionally have trouble reading the near & far limit values in some cases. I've added a small section of code to check for this condition. It will keep re-reading the values until it gets logical values. The section of code is as follows:

Code: [Select]
  print "Check focus limits "y
  print " "
  press "shoot_half"
  sleep 1000
  release "shoot_half"
  if A<1 or Z<1 then goto "recheck_limits"

An updated script with the new code is attached (BrckDOF.bas).

If you have trouble remembering to set some of the camera settings (like me), I'm attaching a version of the script (20BrckDOF.bas) that uses propcas statements to test for three of these settings. Although the propcas statements are specific to a SX20, they may also work on your SX30 since the SX20 & SX30 exhibit many similarities. Have fun...
« Last Edit: 08 / November / 2011, 13:16:18 by SkyWalker9 »

Re: Simple DOF bracketing for SX30 needed
« Reply #3 on: 09 / November / 2011, 12:10:58 »
Not a script writer so need help

You do not need a script with SDM, this is a completely automatic built-in feature, just press the switch.

See section "Automatic capture of images from focused distance to Infinity" here:

The size of the required focus step is calculated at every position.

Because I have not found testers who are willing to make the time commitment, the SX30 is not supported.

Re: Simple DOF bracketing for SX30 needed
« Reply #4 on: 09 / November / 2011, 18:10:25 »
You do not need a script with SDM ...  the SX30 is not supported.
Interesting.  The solution to his question is to use SDM except SDM is not available on his camera so its not the solution ?   Did you ever read the book "Catch-22"?
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Re: Simple DOF bracketing for SX30 needed
« Reply #5 on: 09 / November / 2011, 18:33:17 »
so its not the solution ?

The response indicates it could be the solution.


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