When you first plug in the cable, does the camera appear to do a "half shoot" - does it focus ? Not because you press the shutter button. Does just the act of plugging in the USB cable cause it to focus in Remote Enabled mode ?
camera is on (in shotting mode),CHDK is running, Enable Remote is on: if I plug in the cable (with 5v or connected to PC (or unconnected)) - in all case nothing happen (absolutly) - in attachments are screenshots (with/without plugged cable with 5V on pin 1&4).
(remark: if I measure voltage between pin 1 and 4 /cable is plugged only in camera/ it was stable 11.7mV)
if camera is off and cable is plug in and conected to PC - after power on - is going to transfer mode (i seeing canon in PC - it is OK)
PS:Thank you for your help - myself I can not help at all