Asking for a standard palette I thought of getting RGB or Lab or values of any other color model - instead of indices.
Actually I wanted to make a more complex 3D-grid - therefore I wrote a script for photoshop that generates a .grd-file
from any kind of raster image brought to an indexed color format. To test I started with a color table of black&white + 8 steps
of solid grey (that's what the CHDK OSD palette provides in grayscale at the moment) + one neutral transparent effect. Using dithering in the process of transformation the results are not this bad.Moreover I counted 28 neutral (or next to neutral - since they seem to affect the H- and S-values in a negligable way), but to analyse their behaviour in order to build a color table
(for transforming any raster image) that provides good look and visibility under working conditions is not so easy. Anyway - the first problem is the maximum size of the gride file - it crashes. What are the limits here? Is vectorization the key? (As far as the logo on startup for example is concerned - do you have the same few commands to draw the OSD as to draw grids, and what are the limitations in this case?