So, this would seem to mean that I would be obliged to perform all pre-exposure manipulations in the regular mode, then enter the ALT mode to make the exposure, e.g. running a script.
do is_key k "zoom_in" if k=1 then click "zoom_in" is_key k "zoom_out" if k=1 then click "zoom_out" (...and here some things to do meanwhile...) until ( put a condition(s) when the loop ends...)
exit_loop=falserepeat wait_click(0) if is_key("zoom_in") then click "zoom_in" end if is_key("zoom_out") then click "zoom_out" end if is_key("shoot_half") then exit_loop=true for i=1 , 5 do shoot() end until exit_loop==true
print "hello, chdk!"
print("hello, chdk!")
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