From what I know, motion detection checks within viewport internal memory, not within the liveview LCD, so you can turn it off and would reduce consumption but also reduce night luminescence.
As far as support goes, all ports in the autobuild support MD (alphas might not).
Quote from: Lebeau on 16 / November / 2011, 18:30:29From what I know, motion detection checks within viewport internal memory, not within the liveview LCD, so you can turn it off and would reduce consumption but also reduce night luminescence. The viewport used for motion detection is the same used for live view. So as Microfunguy said, you can turn off the backlight, but this actually saves very little power. The display must be on as far as the camera is concerned, otherwise there is no viewport buffer to detect motion in.
Or alphas are the models like A550?
I don't need fast MD... A shot with 1/60s should be enough...
The a550 does have vid_get_viewport_live_fb.
EXACTLY how is this location found on various cameras ?
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