Well, it starting to function... It repeats, but not when there's motion.
Is it possible to: motion - takes one photo - script continues until there's motion again - takes one photo - script continues until there's motion again, and so on?
--[[@title Motion Detect]]a=6 -- columns to split picture into b=6 -- rows to split picture into c=1 -- measure mode (Y,U,V R,G,B) – U=0, Y=1, V=2, R=3, G=4, B=5d=300000 -- timeout (mSec) e=200 -- comparison interval (msec) - less than 100 will slow down other CHDK functionsf=5 -- threshold (difference in cell to trigger detection)g=1 -- draw grid (0=no, 1=yes) h=0 -- not used in LUA - in uBasic is the variable that gets loaded with the number of cells with motion detectedi=0 -- region masking mode: 0=no regions, 1=include, 2=excludej=0 -- first columnk=0 -- first rowl=0 -- last columnm=0 -- last rown=0 -- optional parameters (1=shoot immediate)o=2 -- pixel stepp=0 -- triggering delay (msec) repeatzones = md_detect_motion( a, b, c, d, e, f, g, h, i, j, k, l, m, n, o, p)if( zones > 0 ) then shoot() endsleep(4)until ( false )
I tried again, TV off and imac screen off (light could be interfering) and the result is the same.Once it takes the first photo, it keeps going and going taking continuous photos, even without Motion. It seems that the repeat is making the camera enter in a cycle of taking shots, instead of repeating or not finishing the script once the first photo is taken.
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