"You do realize that CHDK is totally independent of Canon right ? Not sanctioned, supported or aided in any way ?
I look forward to seeing your improved guide."
Of course, I know this forum is independent of Canon.

I'm really busy and haven't tried the auto load thing yet, but when I do this week, I'll write a really quick and dirty startup guide. Trust me, it'll be very short. I apologize for being so upset with the situation, but you see what I went through.
August: "There is nothing wrong with the chdk documentation from my perspective." I don't find your comment helpful at all. I obviously found some huge problem with documentation, so you went and discount my reporting? What's the point of this? I also think many here would take issue when you say "Canon did what it did for good reasons and gave us a fine camera in the SX40." I strongly disagree. Canon did it for their self interest. You can look at a video put out by the creators of Magic Lantern and you'll see why they also wrote a firmware. People aren't happy with some glaring and annoying flaws, so I don't see why there's a need for you to defend any manufacturer. It's like this, you found a problem with the ND feature, then do people go and say they don't have a problem with it (in fact, haven't even used it), and then point you to a pile of documentation?

anything un-necessary, don't say it. The situation is already really inflamed.
Don't even get me started about Canon doing what they did for a good reason. Yeah, then can you explain to me why it's such a good idea that Canon included the "erase all" pictures in one of their buttons on the 20d instead of to erase a single picture! Imagine what professional wedding photographers felt back in the days. I know personally a buddy of mine hit the wrong button. And Canon still failed to update their firmware to fix that problem? There's already a feature to format the CF card, so obviously, Canon did not think hard when they put in the stupid "erase all" feature. Certainly, I don't think Canon put in that "erase all" as in hard erase to erase pictures I've taken of naked women! Canon could have let people erase all the pictures via a PC and card reader.
I've detailed these problems about the documentation prior, so it is a problem for me and many other people: a) absolutely necessary info is buried deep in the document, or shall I say, multiple documents. And when I had a problem, I'm directed to search through a whole pile of documents until a nice soul pointed me to a specific area in one document, which I really appreciate. b) one of the document is written in pdf format where half the pages are upside down.

Not everyone is interested in printing out the document. Then you have some readers who are less computer savy and they'd be upset figuring out how to rotate the pages. If anything, I'd make everything frustration free.
I believe what I write is very logical and reasonable.