First, thank you for all the hard work to those who provide this software. I've had it on my S3 IS for years and it is really great.
I just picked up an SX40HS for under $300 at Target as they are clearing them out - I suppose to make space for the SX50s. Of course, one of the first things I did was put CHDK on it.
For whatever reasons, I had to use ACID and SDMInstaller to get a bootable SD card. The SX40 didn't give me a firmware upgrade menu item. Whatever, I got around it.
I have one nit to pick with CHDK on the SX40 (firmware 1.00i, CHDK 1.1.0 2165). On the S3 (CHDK 1.1.0 2098) I use the zebra display. Zebra mode is set to solid, Restore Original Screen is on, Restore OSD is on, Draw Over Zebra is set to Histo. With these settings on the S3, the shutter and aperture information at the bottom of the display stay visible. On the SX40 with the same settings, the shutter and aperture are cleared, and other icons (flash indicator) flicker. I don't know whether to consider it a bug or just a difference in the cameras, but it is a bit annoying.
If there's some other place I should complain about this, and possibly file it as an official bug, please let me know.
Once again, thanks for all the hard work. I'll contribute a little by working on the Wiki a bit to update some documentation.