Bokeh Potrait without Aperture Control - General Help and Assistance on using CHDK stable releases - CHDK Forum

Bokeh Potrait without Aperture Control

  • 3 Replies
Bokeh Potrait without Aperture Control
« on: 20 / November / 2011, 05:56:42 »
Hi everyone,

I want to take bokeh portraits  or taking bokeh pictures without going much near to the subject. I have powershot A480 which doesn't have aperture control option. But, as I'm running CHDK, I believe it's possible to take such kind of photo I mentioned and I don't know how. Macro enabling and Super macro mode allow me to take bokeh from only closer shots.

So, can someone suggest me how to do this. I had another query, but I don't want to flood the forum with my questions. The question was how to run an script in my camera. I got this in another post:

Code: [Select]
@title Bokeh
@param t Tolerance (mm)
@default t 5
rem We want minimum depth of field
set_av 9
press "shoot_half"
print "Focusing - hold still"
rem could also check propcase 205 (DIGIC II) or 206 (III) instead of sleeping?
sleep 1500
rem Get subject distance and near limit
get_focus s
get_near_limit f
rem Set manual focus - should be click "mf" on some cameras
click "down"
rem Uncomment the following if your camera crashes
rem release "shoot_half"
rem Set new subject distance as old near limit, with some tolerance
let f=f+t
rem Make sure we had enough tolerance
set_focus f
get_far_limit l
if l<s then print "SUBJECT NOT IN FOCUS" else click "shoot_full"
sleep 1000

Example of usual bokeh:
Examples of what I want:

Re: Bokeh Potrait without Aperture Control
« Reply #1 on: 20 / November / 2011, 08:50:08 »
I want to take bokeh portraits  or taking bokeh pictures without going much near to the subject. I have powershot A480 which doesn't have aperture control option. But, as I'm running CHDK, I believe it's possible to take such kind of photo I mentioned and I don't know how. Macro enabling and Super macro mode allow me to take bokeh from only closer shots.
Unless there is some magic I don't know about,  your problem is going to be the large depth of field that the little lenses on compact cameras have.    With a DSLR and a good 50mm lens, you get an f1.2 that has almost no depth of field when focussing.   However,  your A480 has great depth of field (useful for P&S snapshots) and no way to changed it in normal shooting mode.  CHDK can't change the laws for physics.

Ported :   A1200    SD940   G10    Powershot N    G16

Re: Bokeh Potrait without Aperture Control
« Reply #2 on: 20 / November / 2011, 11:34:04 »
Best you can do is use maximum telephoto and stand further away.

However, that tends to 'flatten' the subject, reducing apparent depth.

Camcorder users go to elaborate lengths to achieve the shallow depth-of-field effect because they think it gives their movies a more 'filmic' quality.

Checkout 'DOF Adapter DIY'


Offline SkyWalker9

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Re: Bokeh Potrait without Aperture Control
« Reply #3 on: 20 / November / 2011, 18:44:59 »
I want to take bokeh portraits or taking bokeh pictures without going much near to the subject. I have powershot A480 which doesn't have aperture control I'm running CHDK, I believe it's possible to take such kind of photo I mentioned and I don't know how. Macro enabling and Super macro mode allow me to take bokeh from only closer shots...
Although you are able to take photos in macro mode that show bokeh, its a little more difficult to explain why this may not be possible in normal mode on your A480. Here is a link that does a good job of explaining the problems of getting good bokeh photos with Point & Shoot cameras:


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