Hi SkyWalker9,
Thank you so much for the reply.
So you are saying that sx220 hs supports natively manual focusing WHILE recording videos?
I reviewed the pages you told me and also tried what you said.
Of course, I can manually change the focus before recording the video, but I can't seem to find a way to change it while I'm already recording.
For example, check this:
Canon SX220 HS CHDK beta firmware manual focus testThis guys says he is using chdk to achieve manual focus while recording video, this is exactly what I want. I want to know which script he is using.
Otherwise, if you are still saying this is possible without chdk, I beg you please explain it to me as if I were retarded
(sorry, but seriously, I can't make it work).
Thank you very much again, and sorry for my amateurness, I just bought my camera yesterday and I'm new to this chdk stuff.