This does not follow:
640x480x120 = ~36.9 mp/sec
1280x720x60 = ~55.3 mp/sec
A better argument would be that it can do 1080p @ 24 FPS:
1920x1080x24 = ~49.8 mp/sec
OTOH the fact that they don't offer 1080p@30 could mean that 24 is close to the limit, or perhaps that they just want to nudge people who want 30 over to their DSLRs.
Well of course they want to nudge us into spending 100's to 1000's of more $'s to upgrade your software, lol that's why we have CHDK (and hackintosh's too

How did you calculate those bitrates? How can we discover the maximum possible? Couldn't we turn down quality or bitrate in video mode to achieve 1080p 60fps @ 49.8 mp/sec - what does "mp" stand for btw?
If cameras of lesser quality (Panasonic's and Sony's) with similar specs to an SX40 can handle this why not ours?
Although it's a different code, Magiclantern has varied fps on Canon's, although not drastically ("true" 29.97 instead of 30 fps for example) so we do know that we can vary it for a fact in the EOS line at least, by how much remains to be seen though.
By thinking outside of limitations we transcend them, there is no such thing as can't. I edit video on FCP, but couldn't afford a Mac Pro at the time. I was told by tons of people it wasn't possible, save my money, stop dreaming, you need a Phd in computer science etc etc... Eight months later, working closely with a passionate community of like minded people the first hackintoshs' were born! Not to mention I came up with the first work around to get FCP 6+7 installed and working on totally unsupported hardware (we're talking as little as 64mb vram).
So, that's why I'm so sure we can accomplish this if we put our heads together and start working on it rather than back and forthing on "can it be done?". We've all got something to bring to the table. I'm completely new to CHDK so couldn't yet tell you how to code this or make a build (working on it). Apparently though, I bring a fresh perspective and "we can push the boundaries" attitude that someone who has been working on the same type of code for a while may be missing.
Maybe we can use another scripting language as a way to support this feature. ML is using C and Perl apparently, on DRYos Canon hardware, same as we've got (SX40 has a CMOS sensor).
Just saying of course the software will be crippled on otherwise good hardware, this is how companies turn a profit. The difference between manufacturing an SX40 and T3i is probably $100 dollars or less, much like a beats audio HP and Macbook pro, although the price difference is enormous. The difference lies in the software.
I have no hostility nor am I trying to anger people by asking to do the impossible, the fact is we don't know if we can or not (I think we can), apparently from what I've seen in the forums we know it's complicated and most of the dev's never really pursued it, which makes sense as CHDK is mainly about expanding photographic capabilities as opposed to say Magic lantern which was developed to enhance video. They have incorporated increased photographic considerations into their project, perhaps we can do the same here for video.
This thread can be the basis for such a project. Give me a week or two to learn uBasic and LUA a bit, and I'll be here with all my findings. Until then, I'm loving RAW! If CHDK did not exist I probably would not have gotten this exceptional camera whose manufacturer wanted me to pay way more for capabilities the camera inherently possessed.
Thank you to the inventor and community of innovators who made this possible, much much love!