Well of course they want to nudge us into spending 100's to 1000's of more $'s to upgrade your software, lol that's why we have CHDK (and hackintosh's too .
How did you calculate those bitrates? How can we discover the maximum possible? Couldn't we turn down quality or bitrate in video mode to achieve 1080p 60fps @ 49.8 mp/sec - what does "mp" stand for btw?
If cameras of lesser quality (Panasonic's and Sony's) with similar specs to an SX40 can handle this why not ours?
By thinking outside of limitations we transcend them, there is no such thing as can't.
So, that's why I'm so sure we can accomplish this if we put our heads together and start working on it rather than back and forthing on "can it be done?".
Maybe we can use another scripting language as a way to support this feature. ML is using C and Perl apparently, on DRYos Canon hardware, same as we've got (SX40 has a CMOS sensor).
This thread can be the basis for such a project. Give me a week or two to learn uBasic and LUA a bit, and I'll be here with all my findings.
My observation from several years of working on CHDK is that Canon don't actually do this very much. The limits are mostly defined by hardware. The digital camera market is very competitive, both in cost and features. Canon certainly segments their models by features, but these are mostly defined by the hardware. Putting over-capable hardware in low end models is not usually cost effective (there are occasional exceptions). Canon does limit manual control on low end models, but that doesn't involve producing over-capable hardware, and the fraction of this market that cares about manual controls is insignificant.Different hardware, different design trades. Higher frame rates is clearly a selling point. If Canon could just turn it on and have it work, it would make them more competitive against Sony and Panasonic. So why wouldn't they ?I'm trying to give you my perspective as someone who has many hundreds of hours digging through Canon firmwares and working on CHDK. You are free to ignore my advice, of course.This doesn't make any sense, and leaves me wondering if you are equipped to undertake the task you propose. Any new capabilities are based on reverse engineering the firmware. Choice of language and development tools is just a matter of what is convenient for the task at hand. CHDK itself is written in C and assembler, not a "scripting language". The script interfaces are just a CHDK feature to allow users more control over CHDK and the camera.To be clear, to make any progress on this, you will need a firm grasp of C, assembly language and reverse engineering concepts.ubasic and Lua won't help you. You can use Lua to call firmware functions, but you still need to disassemble and reverse engineer the firmware dump to find the ones you want and figure out what they might do.
Okay 145 views, probably less than 15 myself, anyone have anything to contribute at all? Opinion, speculation, anything? This is new territory here...
it shouldn't be a herculean task to figure this out. we can accomplish this if we put our heads together
when reverse engineering a device to use on a computer for example you'll have to ... change some 1's to 0's
Am I completely off here?
BTW microfunguy from what I understand you've done tremendous things to advance our state of knowledge
Yes, I have no idea what you are talking about
... snip ...-from a dsdt table for a hackintosh
how would I find the section dealing with video?
Once I've found the section can I just change some values in DISKBOOT.BIN to enable the desired results
or would I need a lua script to either supress this function/enable that function to go on top of that
you have to be able to read disassembled ARM machine code and figure out what it does.
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