I just tried with a G10 last week-end. Also with RAW, also with SDK.
It didn't work.
Let us be clear. When you say "SDK", you mean the Canon Software Development kit? Something like the "PS-ReC SDK v1.1.0X"?
If yes, that is what I mean too.
Before starting remote control, the G10 camera was in manual mode, RAW quality.
I tried to change file file extension from .JPG to .RAW thanks to the prPTP_DEV_PROP_FULLVIEW_FILE_FORMAT function. But I get the error 0x10200F which means : prRESPONSE_AccessDenied.
Are we working with the same libraries?
I'm tired of this SDK.
-it does not allow RAW shooting
-it does not allow roemote control of focus distance
-it does not allow long pause shooting mode. (5 minutes, to shoot car's lights on highways)
Best regards,