Hello all! I am new to this forum and I have been using the CHDK for a few months now, and over that time I have used several of its features to help improve my photography. But before I elaborate on that I am going to explain how I came by the CHDK.
Sometime around September a friend of mine showed me some pictures he took using extended exposure. He took some really amazing pictures, like this one:

After he explained to me the basics of how it worked I began taking some shots of my own. But at the time I was rather unhappy with the limited features of my camera, for my friend has a Canon EOS Digital Rebel XS, where as I have an old hand-me-down Canon PowerShot A530. But then my friend told me about the CHDK and how it could make my camera so much better. So I installed it to my camera's SD card and began messing around with it. The first real shot I took using the CHDK was this:
This shot was taken at sometime between 9:00 PM and 10:00 PM (well after dark), with the shutter speed set for 2048 seconds via the CHDK. It killed a brand new pair of batteries to take it, but I was rather pleased with the effect. I have since taken many more shots of extended exposure photography without the use of the CHDK, such as these:

Another pic I used the CHDK for:

It's just the Sun, taken with the shutter speed set at 1/100,000" using the CHDK.
Currently I have been exploring deeper into the different features of the CHDK and I believe I will be able to use the motion detection script combined with some shutter speed adjustments to get some really interesting shots. Once I finish my next photography project I will post some of the results.
To see more of my pictures, check out my flickr account here:
http://www.flickr.com/photos/71766005@N03/Thanks for reading!