Help: Manual Focus on IXUS 220 HS / Elph 300 HS - Hello, I'm a NEWBIE - HELP!! (Newbies assistance, User Guides and thank you notes) - CHDK Forum

Help: Manual Focus on IXUS 220 HS / Elph 300 HS

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Help: Manual Focus on IXUS 220 HS / Elph 300 HS
« on: 13 / January / 2012, 21:22:52 »
I've managed to install CHDK onto my IXUS 220 HS and it now autostart when my 16GB FAT32 SD CARD is in the locked position. I am comfortable switching between the canon menus and chdk menus using the ALT>Menu or ALT>Func Set buttons.

I do now need help with setting up and using manual focus on this camera in both Camera and Recording Video mode.

I have tried the following but it doesn't do anything.

1. Switch from Auto to Program mode
2. Start Recording by pressing the Record Button
3. Enter ALT Mode
4. Press UP to display MF Settings for SD and Factor
5. Press RIGHT to change factor 1,10,100,1000
6. Use Zoom Toggle to change SD value.

When I playback the video I cannot see any adjustment in focus.

I would appreciate some help... I've seen the instructions for the sx220 but I cannot get them to work with the IXUS 220 HS.

Thanks in advance


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