A800 Porting Thread - page 16 - DryOS Development - CHDK Forum

A800 Porting Thread

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Offline srsa_4c

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Re: A800 Porting Thread
« Reply #150 on: 19 / March / 2012, 14:42:53 »
the Set Mode test - both .lua and .bas - errors out as it did in waterwingz's builds.
Have you adjusted the mode change delay like this?

The only possibility I see for major improvement would be figuring out how to do the reversing in parallel to writing to the SD card.
The raw processing and saving is currently all done in spytask, if I interpret it correctly.
If we would create a task for file writing
... and we would do the byteswap process in chunks
... then maybe we could achieve some parallelism (I assume write() does use DMA). But everything would need to be synchronized properly, which can be complicated.
Update :  should we ask someone (philmoz?) with admin rights to move the last bunch of posts to a new thread
Not a bad idea.

Re: A800 Porting Thread
« Reply #151 on: 19 / March / 2012, 15:23:13 »
Have you adjusted the mode change delay like this?
I just did and indeed it works :)  So why is it that on some builds it can run the setmode.lua test just fine with no added delay but on other builds it needs a longer delay to work?  Is it because of the free memory space it has to work with?


Offline kms

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Re: A800 Porting Thread
« Reply #152 on: 19 / March / 2012, 17:22:29 »
It would be interesting to see what will happen here.  This can't be the first tiime the filesize has ever matched ?

The A710 and A620(?) raw file sizes match. Dcraw then assumes the camera is the first one in its list that matches the size. In the A710/A620 case, it always matches the A620.  This means that A710 images end up with the A620 colour matrix applied by default. But if the two cameras have a different Bayer pattern, it wont be pretty.

It is straightforward to change dcraw source to make it match the camera you want it to.
« Last Edit: 19 / March / 2012, 17:26:29 by kms »


Offline reyalp

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Re: A800 Porting Thread
« Reply #153 on: 20 / March / 2012, 02:40:09 »
I guess my biggest worry is a new format that nobody can use (easily) and all the flap that will cause.  Maybe getting  the dcraw guy to agree to add it right away (no longer needs to be 'per camera') would help - or "we" release a conversion utility (yawn).   
Yes. this is why I initially rejected the idea, and still have mixed feelings about it. My original point was that *if* we want to make raw reliably identifiable, we should do it right rather than playing tricks with file size.

But I've been thinking along these lines for a while, and the idea has grown on me. In the long run it should be better than the current raw, which is essentially a new format with every camera. Also, using this approach, conversion to actual DNG is trivial so it would be easy to offer a standalone utility and easy for others to support. It would also be easy to offer a batch convert option on camera. Would be slow, but unlike current DNG, you get to choose where the time is spent.
I suppose it could be added to the RAW menu as a 3rd option for how to store the image but ....
You'd want a straight framebuffer dump for debugging anyway, but I'd rename it to something like "debug raw".
Update :  should we ask someone (philmoz?) with admin rights to move the last bunch of posts to a new thread
I agree :) I didn't mean to derail the thread, but I think this is a worthwhile topic for discussion.

The raw processing and saving is currently all done in spytask, if I interpret it correctly.
If we would create a task for file writing
... and we would do the byteswap process in chunks
... then maybe we could achieve some parallelism (I assume write() does use DMA). But everything would need to be synchronized properly, which can be complicated.
Agreed to all. Would be an interesting experiment, but possibly a lot of work for little/no gain.
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Offline tpont

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Re: A800 Porting Thread
« Reply #154 on: 24 / March / 2012, 08:43:07 »
Hi! How functional is the latest A800 beta? Can it be used to trigger these commands from a computer using ptp: switch mode, zoom, focus lock, shoot,  and download images to computer? I'm asking prior to buying so can't test it myself.

Re: A800 Porting Thread
« Reply #155 on: 24 / March / 2012, 10:38:44 »
Hi! How functional is the latest A800 beta? Can it be used to trigger these commands from a computer using ptp: switch mode, zoom, focus lock, shoot,  and download images to computer?
That code is common to all CHDK versions so it seems extremely likely it should work.  If not,  report it here and it will likely get fixed after a while.

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Re: A800 Porting Thread
« Reply #156 on: 24 / March / 2012, 11:27:04 »
I was just thinking yesterday that I probably ought to test the CHDK ptp features - I've never messed around with it before so it had kinda slipped my mind while testing.  I'll poke around at that a bit.

Also, waterwingz, were you gonna post another build to see if we could figure out why your builds were erroring out on the setmode.lua script?

UPDATE: I finally got the libusb-win32 thing to install (I had to take the SD card with CHDK on it out of the camera and then install libusb) and using ptpCamGui via CHDK Shell - it seems to work!  I took 3 bracketed pictures and downloaded them to a folder I set up for testing and it all seems to work.
Anything in particular I should test here?
« Last Edit: 24 / March / 2012, 12:45:41 by Qanthelas »

Re: A800 Porting Thread
« Reply #157 on: 24 / March / 2012, 14:33:49 »
Hi, Will CHDK port for firmware 1.00b? Or have options on the flash dump from 1.00c?

Re: A800 Porting Thread
« Reply #158 on: 24 / March / 2012, 14:43:02 »
Hi, Will CHDK port for firmware 1.00b? Or have options on the flash dump from 1.00c?
There was some work on a 1.00b by madman around this post but I haven't heard anything lately - you guys still around?

Re: A800 Porting Thread
« Reply #159 on: 24 / March / 2012, 15:24:25 »
Also, waterwingz, were you gonna post another build to see if we could figure out why your builds were erroring out on the setmode.lua script?
Built this one with a up-to-date copy from the svn (but with native Lua supported) on my Win7 box (but not with CHDK-Shell).

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