Movie mode not working with or without raw selected. rec sign shown and then camera switches off leaving lens extended.
Hmm, not sure on this one and to be honest I had never even thought to test video capture mode on the 100c XD I'll test that sometime soon on my 100c (I don't have my camera with me right now else I'd test it now.) So far as I know no work has been done to make sure the video capture works so odds are it doesn't
Thanks for pointing this out!
setmode.lua runs and says pass, strike a key, and then finished. screen blinks, changes colors, icons flash etc during test. logs folder is empty. What should I be reporting?
That's good
That's exactly what it should do - the screen will flash/flicker, change colors, show different icons, etc. That means a core part of the scripting stuff is working, so that's good
As my Dad likes to say, "Sometimes it's better to be lucky than good"
To be honest, it's a stroke of luck that so much of this works - the DNG files, the setmode.lua scripting, and even just turning on for that matter! Thanks waterwingz for making some 100b builds
Just as a 'for what it is worth' - if you read back a few pages in this thread you'll find where I was doing tests with the 100c and getting purple .CR2 files but when I did .DNG files they were fine and there was a side discussion about image file headers and all that (which waterwingz summarized nicely a post or two back.)