And are you able to make photo of something dropped in front of camera? I tried ciggarete pack (on the shortest focal lenght, about 50cm from lens) and camera did not "catch it".
Anything you all want me to test right now?
It sounds like you are saying that using the slider in ptpcamgui (which probably uses set_zoom_pos rather than clicking the zoom buttons ?)
Mlands: Maybe you can explain what you think the significance of these measurements is, and how you think it is related to CHDK and the camera hanging...
It is a situation well localized and easily reproducible. The zoom can be set through 2 different ways. Perhaps it is (mis)guided by some incorrect parameter table; or a peculiar functioning of this camera model; Of course, maybe it is just a dummy bug with no particular importance. The problem itself is of no importance and stepping the zoom it is what I am just doing with no impact. Anyway, there is no motor running and power consumption is greatly increased (the stead state current almost tripled). Some internal component may get very hot (~ 1.25 Watt additional dissipation); if this happens, on other usage, the battery may not provide enough current or a component may be stressed and the camera hangs. Something that may be worth checking.
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