I get the file and is working. I thought I had gotten everything (surely not). I am already using the option of the SVN updating in chdk Shell (not permanently on, for I have to add some changes - camera_list.csv, modelist.h). The directory branches exists but was empty. I will eventually reinstall everything.
If you are doing development, I'd strongly suggest checking out an actual working copy from svn using a client like tortoise, rather than using CHDK shell to download. Getting code updates is much more convenient, because they will be automatically merged with the changes in your working copy. In the rare case there is a conflict, it's left for you to resolve, clearly marked. If you are developing on windows, tortoisesvn is the recommended client.
I will check the code. By memory, I didn't find the nrflag. But I think that the new implementation of the remote make this not necessary(I think)
nrflag is used to control dark frame subtraction in the canon firmware. By default, the Canon firmware does a darkframe for long exposures (usually 3 sec or so). CHKD allows you to force this on or off.