Update from Jan 28, 2012:
Current state: Beta for FW 1.00A ready.
CHDK works on that camera! Keyboard works, alt-mode works, CHDK OSD Works, Everything else - should be tested.
List of project files and their progress:
main.c - completed;
kbd.c - completed;
lib.c - completed;
platform_camera.h - completed;
shooting.c - completed (the same as for A2000IS);
wrappers.c - not needed;
boot.c - almost completed (except fat32 loader; movie_rec tasks commented);
lib.c - completed;
capt_seq.c - completed;
movie_rec.c - in progress;
Message below is just for history
Hi Everyone!
As there was no CHDK Port available for my camera, I've decided to port it on my own.
I was able to find a lot of doc on wiki/forum,but unfortunately not all questions have answers.
Currently I have the following done:
0) A1100 was chosen as most appropriate example for porting
1) FW dumped. My camera has 1.00A firmware version, which was successfully dumped with a help of dump script.
2) IDA 5.2 Project with parsed dump + chdk.idc and A720 sign applied
3) Fixed a lot of addresses at boot.c
4) Fixed makefile.inc ( PLATFORMID=12734 and MEMISOSTART=0x12EDB4 )
Everything compiled successfully using CHDK-Shell for windows. There is no errors, but, unfortunately camera doesn't want to boot up

It's just staying OFF and ignoring PLAYBACK / PowerON while SD Card is Locked.
So I'm asking for help on this issue.
I found that LED address is 0xC0220000 and tried to insert test in my_restart() and in the beginning of boot.c - but with no luck, seems camera just don't want to recognize new firmware.
Code for LED:
LDR R1, =0xC0220000
ROM:FFC21BC4 MOV R0, #0x44
Please, put me in the right direction - where to find our why camera ignores new build.
Thanks in advance!