That looks like it should at least trigger the raw code, even if it doesn't capture correct data.Have you tried putting an LED blink into 'raw_savefile' (raw.c)?
void taskCreateHook2(int *p) { p-=17; if (p[0]==0xffc6036c) p[0]=(int)init_file_modules_task; if (p[0]==0xffc48f48) p[0]=(int)capt_seq_task; // if (p[0]==0xffc7ddf0) p[0]=(int)exp_drv_task; }
capt_seq.c completed; How to check that "exp_drv_task()" is OK ?
One more question - sometimes, when I'm in CHDK Menu and ALT mode active, camera hides menu, but it's active - when you press down/up - it will redraw menu again. What can cause this ? It looks like when camera makes AF, it's redrawing screen from different buffer than contain CHDK.
this is normal and has been discussed many times on this forum. You just have to live with it.
CHDK mod almost finished (you can check fist post for the detail), but unfortunately I don't have enough time to continue it's development. Only few steps left I'm attaching compiled chdk to this post, please try it and let me know on results. May be there will be some glitches, but it's pretty stable for me. Guys, who can help me with putting sources to SVN ? May be someone else will be able to finish it.
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