TX1 Firmware dumping - page 2 - Firmware Dumping - CHDK Forum

TX1 Firmware dumping

  • 27 Replies
Re: TX1 Firmware dumping
« Reply #10 on: 10 / March / 2008, 14:55:18 »



Offline jetzt

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Re: TX1 Firmware dumping
« Reply #11 on: 10 / March / 2008, 15:35:21 »
I don't really know much about all that, but I'll have a guess:   ::)

Is empty.bin on the sd only a 0 byte file?

I think you have to copy the full 8MB of zeros to sd card, otherwise you won't see anything in file browser afterwards,
as the dumper doesn't change the MasterFileTable.(How I understood that topic.)
* Copy to card file empty.dum from archive (8Mb of "0").

Open Notepad and save empty file on root of SD card as:


File type = all files

If that's right you could also try to open your whole sd in a Hex-viewer and compare that to an emty one.
( :D)(comparing can be replaced through a text search for let's say "Wind" or "canon" or something like that.)
« Last Edit: 10 / March / 2008, 15:38:30 by jetzt »


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Re: TX1 Firmware dumping
« Reply #12 on: 10 / March / 2008, 15:46:18 »
-deleted message-
« Last Edit: 10 / March / 2008, 15:48:19 by ewavr »


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Re: TX1 Firmware dumping
« Reply #13 on: 10 / March / 2008, 16:10:46 »
Hmpf. - Why am I that curious? I always want to know what's behind these -deleted message-.
Did you want me to erease my post, is it that stupid? It wasn't about my post? I posted before you could post?


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Re: TX1 Firmware dumping
« Reply #14 on: 10 / March / 2008, 17:17:39 »
To jetzt:

Because I cannot erase my useless message, I change it body to -deleted-

To cybercom and all:
Attached src & 8 bins (sic!) of "universal" dumper.

Re: TX1 Firmware dumping
« Reply #15 on: 10 / March / 2008, 17:37:27 »
To All,

ewavr - found diskboot.bin vers 1 through 4.
jetzt - my guess is that you were saying what ewavr was about to tell me.

Found a zip file with bootable.exe 53kB from 21 jan 08, empty.dum 8,192kB from 31 jan 08 and four subdirectories with diskboot.bin of 1kB and 21kB from 31 jan 08.

Copied bootable.exe and empty.dum onto SD card.

Looked at empty.dum with ZTreeWin to confirm it was all zeros.

One at a time copied a version of diskboot.bin onto root.

Loaded camera. Turned it on.

Message: "Card Locked" displayed for about 1-2 secs.

Waited 15 secs & opened battery door. Repeated 4 times.

Put card in computer and used ZTree to look at empty.bin.

No change. Still all zeros.

After numerous tries as outlined above, I did some further testing.

During the time the card is in the camera, there is no influence on the operation of the camera. It does not disable the keyboard, nor the Power button, nor the Menu button nor any other function except the ability to take a picture on the locked card.

There is no difference whether I remove the battery or simply use the Power button to turn off the camera before removing the card. There is no indication of any activity such as a flashing or blinking LED. The Power LED stays lit until I open the battery door.

I don't know if there should be any other indications that the dump is proceeding as nothing is expressed in the instructions I have. Perhaps someone who has used this method successfully can provide additional insights.

Possibly the other four variants of diskboot.bin will hold the answers...?

As per jetzt, my previous method of creating a 0 byte empty.dum file is incorrect. (thanks for the heads up!)

The proper method is to use the 8.2 mB file contained in the archive listed below.

Any other ideas as to what's going on here and how we might obtain a dump of the TX-1 firmware??





Offline ewavr

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Re: TX1 Firmware dumping
« Reply #16 on: 10 / March / 2008, 18:16:39 »
Copied bootable.exe and empty.dum onto SD card.

Use bootable.exe in PC (with WinXP) to prepare card, see How to prepare the SD card for booting the DISKBOOT.BIN file
After start of dumper screen is dark. Simply wait for ten seconds and disconnect battery.
« Last Edit: 10 / March / 2008, 18:19:21 by ewavr »

Re: TX1 Firmware dumping
« Reply #17 on: 10 / March / 2008, 21:49:19 »

Many Thanks. I'll try them all and see what happens. Wish us all luck!


Re: TX1 Firmware dumping
« Reply #18 on: 10 / March / 2008, 22:40:17 »
To All,

Well, although I wouldn't call it progress, at least there's something different.

Earlier, I had just copied "bootable.exe" onto the SD card, not realizing that I had to run it from a DOS prompt to actually make the card bootable. That is most likely why it appeared that nothing was happening because nothing was happening.

After I made the card bootable, the TX-1 would not turn on with the card in the camera and the lock on. It would freeze immediately. And I do mean immediately! The Power LED would never light and the camera was inoperative. Even if I then removed the card and unlocked it, the camera would not power up until I removed and replaced the battery.

Once the battery was reinserted and the unlocked card inserted, the camera powered up normally.

Does this give any additional insight into how we might proceed?



Re: TX1 Firmware dumping
« Reply #19 on: 10 / March / 2008, 22:45:34 »
Some additional info:

I'm using Win2k and a 4GB Sandisk Ultra II card formatted as FAT 16. If anyone thinks the card is a problem I'll get a 1GB or 512kB (if I can find one that small) and retry this again tomorrow.






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