camera maximized for the CHDK - Hello, I'm a NEWBIE - HELP!! (Newbies assistance, User Guides and thank you notes) - CHDK Forum supplierdeeply

camera maximized for the CHDK

  • 2 Replies
camera maximized for the CHDK
« on: 27 / January / 2012, 02:21:04 »
What Cannon camera should I purchase that is best maximized for the CHDK?  I mostly will use the camera for video.


Re: camera maximized for the CHDK
« Reply #1 on: 27 / January / 2012, 03:13:05 »
Probably nobody will say you, which one is the best. Nobody has enough number of new cameras to compare themselve. You'd probably have to read about their parameters, decide which ones are the most important for you (HD? Long video? Resolution?) and then check, wheter CHDK supports specified camera.

CHDK posibilities not much differ between each camera. Only sometimes something just can't be done on one camera. I suggest you to ask on appropriate camera thread about camera you might be interested in.

CHDK helps not much in video recording itself, but there are a few scripts and possibilities of zoom, maual focus, quality override.
« Last Edit: 27 / January / 2012, 03:14:42 by outslider »
if (2*b || !2*b) {

Compile error: poor Yorick

Re: camera maximized for the CHDK
« Reply #2 on: 27 / January / 2012, 06:46:43 »
Video quality control is of no use, unless you want reduced-quality video for storage-size reasons :-


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