I have a Canon S3.
Scripts install automatically.
All seems OK.
Everything works well.
First is the slowness of response time of camera and the photo cycles.
Set the 'timing' to git-up-an-go-go-go !!!
Have it set to 0.1 interval and then take a shot after 2 and/or 3 seconds.
It takes a picture once every 5~6 seconds....
I have set the size of the photo files at around 1.2Mb and down to 200kb...Makes no difference... takes a shot every 5~6 seconds anyway !!!
I also have a fast fast memory card [150x ~ 1Gb SD card~Ultra]....LOCKED.
When running "Interval Shots" my camera is in MANUAL MODE throughout.
Oh... my pooter is running XP~2Gb Sys Mem~ 256VidMem nVidea card. Gaming pooter so it should respond well for REGULAR slide show [and does] except here in the "Interval Photo Mode"
What size do YOU use... and how/why... ?!?!What am I missing ?!?!
Issue #2....
Read on these forums that it is nice we can have
better images for
interval shots yet when I run them as in a slide show. They jerk if the file is 8~900kb or larger. Below a size around 400kb they seem to run smoothly... but even so, I thought the option was to maintain quality viewing....ie; a larger file.
I have tested these with the generic slideshow by IrFanVue... as well as ProShow Gold. My settings
to get something decent on either slideshow program is in the area of 0.10 to 0.05/second with transition timing [ a simple CUT transition] the same... 0.10 to 0.05/second...as the 'slide'.
Doesn't seem like I am doing it right.
What do YOU use as a benchmark for running the interval photos...TIMING ?!?!I DO NOT have any problems with regular slide shows nor other graphics in any way shape or form.
[Moderator edit: Do not yell.]