Sounds like you might be loading the wrong firmware version. Did you see the CHDK logo after the "firmware update" ? If the cameras turns off right away then its crashing. After a restart, CHDK is gone so finding a button sequence won't help you.
Yes I see the CHDK logo - but cannot get to the menu. The FIRST time through it all works fine. I turn on in PLAYBACK mode, go to the menu, run the firmware update and CHDK loads, the logo stays up and the camera stays on. I press the playback button and the <ALT> appears allowing access to the CHDK menu. I can go into the menu and set up a script (inteval) and set the card to be bootable. Exit the CHDK menu. Camera off. Set the card to "locked" and reinsert. Turn on the camera - NOTHING. The camera reports the card is "LOCKED" and then does nothing.
Do I need to partition the card (it is a 4GB sandisk) for this to work? After I lock the card and insert it back into the camera I can no longer get the CHDK to load and I can not get the firmware to update again properly. The only way anything works again is if I format the card (in camera) and then reload (extract) CHDK onto the card fresh. THEN it will allow me to update the firmware - and back to the same story -
So what am I doing wrong?